Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Alice R. Gore Memorial Post

A study of tried and proven methods used by the Probate Court of Cook County to confiscate over 100 years of creativity and wealth from Alice R. And Edward Gore in less than three years. Judge Kawamoto and Miriam Solo may ultimately be judged only by God.

Alice's family paid thousands of dollars for her burial expenses and yet were never reembursed by Judge Kawamoto's court. Yet, Mr. Martin was paid thousands of dollars for his GAL fees at the last court date April 9, 2013. Alice has been deceased for over two years and why is a GAL even needed?

The Alice R. Gore Memorial Post is under construction...pardon our dust...

The file link below is to the complete 187 page Probate Court of Cook County Docket file of Alice R. Gore from 2006 to 2010. It is a dramatic and sad road map of her journey from an independent citizen to a person completely isolated under the control of uncaring, caregivers, judges and lawyers.

For the benefit of law enforcement or journalists who may be interested, additional posts describing the motives and actions of the actors and collaborators portrayed in the docket above will be presented in the future. Also links to other mischief perpetrated by some of the actors will provided.

Updated 11-2-2012 A research Shark has made an interesting discovery. The Probate Court has a difference in the number of hearings from the 187 dockets. How could that be??? Of course, they would not have had hearings without providing Sodini notice to all parties.

Updated 11-30-2012 Essays published on the internet about Alice R. Gore.

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