Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Viewers, be sure to watch Comcast Cable Channel 19, Highland Park, IL, 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, December 1, 2010, for a discussion by experts on ELDER ABUSE IN THE PROBATE COURT OF COOK COUNTY.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Estate of Mary Sykes

The Estate of Mary Sykes - Cook County Probate  Court

Please click on the links below to view the dramatic letter from attorney Ken Ditkowski to the ARDC and the almost unbelievable  court transcript of the last hearing. 


This Mary Sykes Estate is a poster board case of Elder Abuse as it has all the elements, to wit:

1) Mary's elder daughter took her to a lawyer. This lawyer drafted a will, trust and power of attorney. The trust made the elder daughter the prime beneficiary of Mary's estate and the power of attorney provided her with complete control of Mary's finances. These documents were kept secret from Mary. Elder Financial Exploitation.

2) Mary discovered the perfidy when she checked her bank account and found $4000 missing. She made inquiry of her older daughter and was informed that the elder daughter had "invested" the money for Mary - she opened an IRA account! Mary was 90 years old. Mary asked to see the documents she signed. The elder daughter refused!

3) Mary sought an order of protection - she filed a sworn affidavit. The elder daughter countered with a Petition to declare Mary a disabled person.

4) After months of attempting to obtain from Mary's treating doctor a certificate of incompetency, the elder daughter informed the Court of this point (August 31, 2009). The Judge counseled the 'abuser' to find doctor who was willing to sign the certificate. She did and the Court readily appointed the elder daughter as plenary guardian.

5) The Court also appointed two guardian ad litem. Why there are two guardian ad litem is a mystery! This is not a complicated case. It appears that the function of these two GALs is to defame, intimidate, and prosecute anyone who might make inquiry as to what is occurring in this case. If there is no law to punish nosy citizens who might object to violations of civil rights, fraud and corruption the GAL will just make it up and the Judge is ready to rubber stamp it. (Judge Connors is no longer hearing this case and Judge Fleming ****)

6) The plenary guardian was not idle. AS attorney in fact (POA) she emptied Mary's safety deposit box of a valuable property that included a bag of gold coins. As you are aware gold is now $1400 and double eagles are worth @$2800 each. Thus it is estimated that about $500,000 is un-inventoried. The plenary guardian has not denied the allegation even though we have been screaming about the lack of accounting and the un-inventoried property for about a year. Reports to the GAL have been ignored! Even reports directly to the Judge are ignored.

All of the foregoing are financial exploitation, Real live elder abuse is also present. Mary has been separated from her friends, family, neighbors, and activities. One neighbor went out to find Mary. He did! she was in a day care center staring at four walls surrounded by individuals who had long 'lost it!' The Naperville Police Department reports that after the neighbor's report Mary is at the Naperville Senior Center where they read 'stories to her!'

The isolation of a citizen is reasonably calculated to create depression in the senior. This depression can significantly reduce the senior's will to live and death follows. There are no cases that I could find that have specifically held that this is a homicide, but any action reasonably calculated to end a human life is a homicide. This is more subtle form of manslaughter than holding a pillow over the head of a senior or overdosing him/her, but it is *****. It is important that law enforcement act while the senior is alive to protect the elderly rather than after they die prosecute the abusers.

The GAO report alerts the public to the fact that elder abuse and financial exploitation are serious problems that in the future will only get worse. Mary Sykes case is thus important as the transcripts that have become the Appellate Court record in Ms. Gloria Sykes appeal reveal highly suspect and unusual actions in the name of the justice system. The statement of the judge on August 31, 2009 in my opinion is clear elder abuse. The statement of August 13, 2010 (page 19) is as close to an admission of impropriety as it is possible to obtain. placing this statement in context, in October 2008 in a declaratory judgment action, Lumberman's insurance settled an insurance claim of Gloria Sykes. The distribution of funds was by Court order. This order was a final order and was unchallenged at all times relevant.

In the summer of 2010 the plenary guardian and the GALs brought before the Court the fact that Gloria Sykes was after months of intimidation was still objecting to the isolation of her mother and had not been cowed! Thus, in an effort to gain control over the funds of Gloria they sought a probate citation.

The probate act and the injunction act are replete with concerns for due process. These statutory pronouncements provide for prior notice of any court action (an effort to obtain jurisdiction of the person over the respondent), verified petitions by someone with knowledge, hearing (and in the case of the citation a jury), and proof. The record (in my opinion) indicates that these due process concerns were avoided in reference to Gloria Sykes. The transcript reveals that Attorney Joel Brodsky argued for his client but was totally ignored. He argued that a judgment entered by a Circuit court judge with jurisdiction over the subject matter was after entry final. After term time (30 days) the judgment could not longer be appealed or challenged, except by compliance with 735 ILCS 5/2 1401. The criterion of 1401 is merit and due diligence. Collateral attacks on the judgment are not allowed! Any attack on the judgment has to be made before the judge who entered the judgment. This judge is given great discretion and equitable powers.

The judge in the Mary Sykes case point out that she was going to safe the judicial system money (judicial economy) She reasons on page 19 of the August 13 transcript that if she followed the usual procedure she would call Judge M. Judge M would immediately allow her to consolidate the case in which the final inconvenient order was entered and she would vacate the order. Ergo, she would just ignore the finality of the order and take control over Gloria's property. (I thought this unique concept to post judgment proceedings to be a bit nefarious and therefore I wrote to the ARDC and the Judicial Inquiry of my concern - I expect that they will be bit concerned also).

The reason Supreme Court of the United States case of Jerman suggests that lawyers - such as the two guardian ad litem and the attorney for the plenary guardian are knowledgeable as to the law and therefore if they do something like seek and obtain a illegal or wrongful injunction, freeze property of a person who property is not before the Court etc they are culpable. It is my opinion that each of the guardian ad litem and the attorney for the plenary guardian knew at all times relevant that the funds that are the subject matter of the discussion of August 13 2010 were awarded to Gloria Sykes by a valid court order and that their attempts to obtain control of these funds in the probate proceeding was inappropriate and miscreant. The fact that a judge of the probate court was willing to be a party to this conduct is a real concern. The fact that it is obvious that the reason for this conduct was to intimidate and punish Ms. Sykes for objecting to the financial exploitation and elder abuse of her mother is outrageous.

That said, Ms. Sykes has a remedy. 735 ILCS 110/5 et seq. (SLAPP). She has filed a pro se motion before Judge Fleming. It is reported that Mr. Brodsky has served a motion to withdraw as Ms. Sykes attorney. She certainly could use your help! Her motion is set for 2:00 P.M on the 29th of November. (Guardian ad litem Stern's motion to sanction me for exercising my First Amendment right of association and speech is set for 2:00 on the 30th of November. I had the temerity to make inquiry of Mary's treating doctor! I also have a SLAPP motion.

In summary the Mary Sykes case is a poster board case of elder abuse and financial exploitation.

Ken Ditkowsky


The events in the Sykes case are like a soap opera. Unfortunately the opera is going to continue for a long time. The one chapter that will be played out that the Financial exploiter does not count on is tax consequences. Carolyn the minute she became Mary's attorney in fact became a fiduciary. Therefore when she took the $4000.00 she created a taxable event. When she removed the bag of gold coins she created a taxable event. When she removed the cash from the mattress she created a taxable event. Each taxable event required her to report the funds expropriated as ordinary income on her tax return in the year she took the item of value. If the plenary guardian's 2009 United States Federal Income Tax return does not include the value of the gold coins she is 'tax evader.'

The United States of America does not take kindly to not reporting income. The neglect in reporting the income results in a possible 50% fraud penalty. This penalty is in addition to the tax due and interest. In summary the plenary guardian who would have inherited 50% of the Estate tax free will be paying taxes on a gross income of $500,000.00. Had the plenary guardian not been greedy she would have received her 1/2 tax free! A Probate Court judge will not be doing the audit of the plenary guardian's United States Income taxes - it will be rosy cheeked young person fresh out of IRS training school who believes the plenary guardian, you, me, and the man in moon are tax cheats and it is his/her sworn duty to make honest men and women out of us! (I remember my youth as a young lawyer fresh out of law school).

I believe that you should read 735 ILCS 110/5 - it is policy statement of the State of Illinois. the application to the Sykes case is striking!

Ken Ditkowsky



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Case Law Examples from the Office of the State Guardian

Case Law Examples from the Office of the State Guardian

The Office of State Guardian (OSG) is the largest public guardianship agency of its kind in the United States, serving nearly 5,300 adult disabled wards. With cases in virtually every Illinois county, the Office of State Guardian handles the personal, financial, and legal affairs of developmentally disabled, mentally ill and elderly persons with disablilities.

The OSG website has useful general information on guardianship issues, much of which would apply to wards under family and/or private guardianships as well.

The OSG website is:


Additionally, the OSG website has guardianship case law examples. These examples may be useful to you in your case.

Included are previous court rulings regarding trusts, POA's, visitation restrictions, expectations of GALs and attorneys, guardianship appointments, attorneys' fees, guardian fees, end of life decisions, removal of guardians, restoration of legal rights, and other guardianship issues.

Guardianship case law examples for 2002, 2003, and 2004 can be found at:



Your ProbateSharks Legal Resource Team

Saturday, November 20, 2010


This Criminal Activity Takes Place  Every Day in The Probate Court of Cook County. Please view Nashville, TN TV video in link below.  Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster, ProbateSharks.com

Woman Fights For Control Of Her Life

Ginger Franklin's Rights Stripped In Guardianship

Reported By Nancy Amons

POSTED: 5:31 pm CST November 17, 2010

UPDATED: 6:57 pm CST November 19, 2010


Editors note: We encourage the public to sit in the courtrooms of The Probate Court of Cook County where hundreds of Ginger Franklins are mistreated by this corrupt court. Shame on you, Judges on the 18th Floor of the Daley Center! 



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Private Investigator Appears on Free Speech Cable TV Program

Private Investigator Appears on Free Speech Cable TV Program.

Ira Robins, Investigative Consultant, appeared on a local free speech cable TV program last Wednesday to discuss corrupt guardianship cases in probate courts. Mr. Robins has done work to help reveal the truth in corrupt guardianship cases. He shared information about several cases he has investigated. Mr. Robins also provided the audience with helpful advice in fighting abusive guardianship situations.

Mr. Robins works closely with the National Association to Stop Guardianship Abuse (www.stopguardianabuse.org). Mr. Robins also assists in rescuing vulnerable adults whose rights have been violated and whose assets have been stolen.

Visit www.irarobins.com to learn more about Mr. Robins.


Your Probate Sharks PI Liaison Task Force

Editor's note:  Mr. Robins is available to be retained for consultation regarding Probate Court abuses.

Friday, November 5, 2010


SHAME ON YOU, JUDGE FLEMING. A court watcher reported that Judge Fleming of the Probate Court of Cook County along with his team of court appointed parasites that inhabit his court, are attempting to attach the assets of a disabled wounded Iraq war veteran. Your ProbateShark is in the process of informing the Veterans Administration and the Armed Forces Committee of this disgraceful, dishonorable development in order that they may intercept this attempt to "churn" the lifelong achievements of one of America’s Purple Heart heros. Many thanks to our court watchers who are uncovering the corruption in the Probate Court of Cook County on the 18th floor. Further details to follow. Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster, ProbateSharks.com


luciusverenus wrote:

1. Black leaders, along with helping Danny, please help a BLACK wounded vet. A court watcher reported that a judge of the Probate Court of Cook County along with his team of court appointed parasites that inhabit his court, are attempting to attach the assets of a disabled wounded Iraq war veteran. Your ProbateShark is in the process of informing the Veterans Administration and the Armed Forces Committee of this disgraceful, dishonorable development in order that they may intercept this attempt to “churn” the lifelong achievements of one of America’s heros. Many thanks to our court watchers who are uncovering the corruption in the Probate Court of Cook County on the 18th floor. Further details on website. Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster, ProbateSharks.com

11/7/2010 8:40 AM CST on suntimes.com

dumbastid wrote:

This is truly comical! These dopes who call themselves a "coalition," (the idiots probably don't even know what the word means, they just like the sound of it!) are so stupid and blinded by racism, don't know which way to turn! "We support this one." "Oops, no wait, now we support that one." It's like watching a cartoon show! And the sorry chumps that give any credence to what these imbeciles tell them wonder why their "community" is in flux? They deserve exactly what they got, which is nothin'! Ya plant potatoes, ya get potatoes!!

11/7/2010 8:51 AM CST on suntimes.com

luciusverenus wrote:

1. BLACK candidates should concern themselves with the corrupt Probate Court of Cook County on the 18th floor of the Daley Courthouse. A Black Iraq War Vet is in the process of having his money and veterans benefits attached by “care givers” appointed by the court. The foulest lie is “ We are the the Probate Court and we are here to HELP.” The Judges and their minions have a most successful scam. View the FOX NEWS investigative video on our web site. They first find a disabled ward who has a substantial estate. The next step is to remove the family input by appointing a guardian ad litem after removing the loving family guardian. The ward is placed on Medicaid. The estate and property is then placed into a "trust" for the sole purpose of generating fees to the guardian ad litem, attorneys, care company "assist" agents (a real unnecessary expensive burden on what is left of the estate) and various care givers. Family is excluded from input by the threat of "contempt of court" proceedings or removal of visitation rights of their loved one. After the estate is completely "churned" and no property is left, the court orders the ward to be moved to some rat hole of a welfare nursing home Sad but true. Candidates, clean up the crooked Probate Court of Cook County first! Erasmus Fulman, Frytrainer, ProbateSharks.com

11/7/2010 8:59 AM CST on suntimes.com

dumbastid wrote:

1. lucius, what in the name of God's green earth does your babbleing have to do with this column, which is about a bunch of racists choosing their next mayoral candidate?!? Good grief bruh! Stick to the issue at hand!!

11/7/2010 9:20 AM CST on suntimes.com

luciusverenus wrote:

1. dumbastid, It has much to do with the subject. A black mom is being treated like a child by the Probate Court of Cook County. The court wishes the mother to turn over her guardianship of her disabled black veteran son to the court so that they can glom onto his Army back pay and benefits. If Danny and his boys can help - so much the better. As always, Lucius appreciates comments - even though dumbastid is wrong., Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster, ProbateSharks.com

11/7/2010 9:52 AM CST on suntimes.com