Saudi Arabian 'honesty' app takesr intenet by storm
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2:03 PM (23 hours ago)
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The First Amendment is the enemy of terrorist, the subversive, and the extremist whether on the right or the left. Candid free speech promotes honest government of every kind and nature; however, corrupt public officials and demigods find themselves at a disadvantage in such an environment. Thus, a corrupt public official - such as Jerome Larkin, the administrator of the IARDC, must silence every attorney who speaks out for HONEST INVESTIGATIONS of corruption.
- The Lanre Amu - who pulls no punches, and by accident of birth has a dark hue to his skin color is cannot be tolerated by the dishonest public official. Amu is not a step and fetch it - he has a following and shoots rifle bullets into the corruption. Crains Chicago Business, as an example made the very same averments that Amu voiced! This embarrass the 'status quo' of corruption and Larkin's rubber=stamp lawyer clones had no trouble prostituting themselves at Larkin's beck and call. Ditto for the Supreme Court of Illinois.
- JoAnne Denison - who is computer literate pulled no punches as she exposed serious crimes committed by criminals in black robes in her blog Justice4All and MaryGSykes. Larkin, who has no moral compass characterized her blogs as being akin to "yelling fire in a crowded theater.
- Andy Ostrowski was not an Illinois Lawyer, however the Pa authorities flush from their 'cover=ups' at Penn State could not tolerate Lawyer Ostrowski's refusal to adopt and mimic the party line - worse yet Ostrowski openly and notoriously lobbied for HONESTY not only in the LAW profession, but in government itself. Such ethically challenged conduct (i.e. honest government run by honest people) had to be stamped out!
- *******
Saudi Arabian 'honesty' app takes internet by storm news/saudi-arabian-honesty-app-takes-internet-storm-032358621.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma
Honesty in word and deed is the enemy of many of our Political class and media class. It is hard for them to accept the fact that other citizens might disagree with them and worse yet might even be correct! The Bernie Sanders success in the DNC primary for president was an indication of gross dis=satisfaction with obvious corruption and the Donald Trump defeat of Hillary Clinton was a loud and clear message that Americans can be lead to water, but you cannot make us drink. We demand that every man, woman, and child in America have the right to speak out and utter an opinion EVEN IF IT IS DEAD WRONG.
The concept of subversive and "anti= American" and 'hateful' words being provided the same forum and respect as "Apple Pie, and all that is good" is per se reprehensible - BUT such is our RULE OF LAW and our core value. Indeed, listening to a rabble rousing Nazi turns my blood to hot lava - and my personal history is contrary to everything I've said supra - however, while I have zero tolerance for the hate of the Alt Left, Alt Right and the various 'hate groups' that vie for attention, as an American I agreed to fight for their right to utter their vile ignorance in the forum of their choice - SO LONG AS THEY do the same peacefully and restrict their embarrassment to words and phrases (or their equivalent).
Even a corrupt public official such as Jerome Larkin has a First Amendment Right to call JoAnne Denison's blog exposing judicial corruption as being akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. However, when he uses his public position to separate her from her law license stating such words under oath and with perjured facts he crosses the line and commits a criminal act. When he acts as part of an 18 USCA 371 conspiracy to aid and abet the theft of Federal Health Care funds he enjoys no protection - even if the policy of the current Administration of the STate of Illinois is to foster the theft of FEDERAL HEALTH CARE FUNDS and elder cleanze the helpless senior citizens who let their guard down! The Alvarez case points out that even false statements utter by Americans are protected by the First Amendment! (Larkin's arguments were specifically rejected).
The app, to wit:
Saudi Arabian 'honesty' app takes internet by storm news/saudi-arabian-honesty-app-takes-internet-storm-032358621.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma
is yet another expression of the quiet revolution against the attempts by the dishonest political and judicial elite to deny us - i.e. you and me - out right to protest dishonesty and assaults on our First Amendment core values. THE NEXT STEP HAS TO BE AN HONEST INVESTIGATION and the diligent and prompt PROSECUTION of every public official who has aided and abetted the HEALTH CARE FRAUDS.
NB. I 've noted that the USA very recently formed a unit here in Chicago to address this problem. I've also be advised that Federal authorities have and are conducting that Honest investigation. The Philip Esformes prosecution in Florida (Mr. Esformes if a small potato = even though he stole a BILLION DOLLARS from Medicare) suggests that the United States government is acting Nationally. Some of the bigger fish are here in Chicago and in major American cities. They are being protected by corrupt political and judicial officials and massive vote fraud! (almost every nursing home resident votes in elections and just happens to vote as the nursing home executive desires - usually for the corrupt political elite!) The mainstream media appears to be suppressing not only the vote fraud but the 700% surcharge on health care occasioned by the Frauds referred to supra!)
Please note - I've sent copies of these e-mails to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission -- the fraud of their administrator in the lawyer disciplinary cases is a serious ethical violation that should result in his disbarment (and criminal prosecution). Of course I do not expect the IARDC to act any more than I expect the tax authorities to scoop down on the 18 USCA 371 public officials and collect that INCOME TAXES plus interest and penalties that are due. In Illinois we are on the verge of bankruptcy - why should Illinois collect the taxes due from corrupt public officials - I believe that we have at least one governor who is still in jail! EQUAL PROTECTION of the Law is another core American principle - but - first we have to fight for our FREE SPEECH! Rome was not built in day. Hell, Jerome Larkin teaches ethics to Lawyers! (comment censored!) In the Denison disciplinary case he openly and notoriously subordinated perjury and perfected the same by engaging an unlicensed court reporter ---- The Illinois Supreme Court's response: "Oh Hum!")
Ken Ditkowsky![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
5:51 AM (7 hours ago)
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Under DT the Justice Department has set up two task forces - a National, and a 7th Circuit.
I sent you the information by a separate cover -
This is a major breakthrough. The President's focus on VOTE FRAUD also works for us -- The fraud coming out of the nursing homes is pervasive and has kept the miscreants in power for years. They are now being threatened for the first time on a bunch of fronts.
THIS IS ALL IRRELEVANT -- The actions of Jerome Larkin in first subordinating perjury and then assaulting the FIRST AMENDMENT must become a focal point -- his claim that your blog exposing corruption is akin to "yelling fire in a crowded theater" is about as obscene a statement as any public figure has ever made! The fact is that the corrupt jurists and political elite actually believe the statements as part of the gospel. THE ONLY WAY TO REALLY GIVE THE ATTENTION THAT THE STATEMENT DESERVES IS FOR YOU TO HAMMER IT HOME with demands for the reinstatement of you license and compensation for the wrongful loss thereof.
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