Federal decision in ADA, 1983 and wrongful death guardianship case! YES!
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6:03 AM (2 hours ago)
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The entire issue of dying is horrific. A year and 1/2 ago I watched my brother die.
He had the best care that we could provide, and he directed the attendance to his needs. It was horrible - Indeed it is horrible to endure, especially when the death watch is of long duration.
the problem in recent years has become much worse as the GOVERNMENT has made it very profitable to drag the process out, out, out until every available dollar is spent. No - I am not debating Medicare, etc - I am just pointing out a fact. Here in Chicago our nursing home cabal considers the elderly - actually you and me - as a commodity. Thus, the elder cleansing scandal that is and has been very successfully 'covered up.' Pointing out the enormous profits and windfall available to the criminals (especially political and judicial elite) preying the streets in search of victims is according to high ranking Illinois public officials (in the words of Jerome Larkin) is the equivalent of "yelling fire in a crowded theater!"
Indeed - the promise that our Political Elite provide as a tease so that they can garner the votes to get elected is the Barnam and Bailey - THERE IS A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE scam. Obamacare/Trumpcare et al are in the market place NOT FOR US, BUT AS A SOURCE OF EASY MONEY FOR THE criminals who endeavor to exploit us -- individual and your benefit is an incidential unintended consequence. If it were NOT you would have the media hysterical over the Philip Esformes, Seth Gillman, **** cases. They would leading the fight against the current WAR ON THE ELDERLY AND THE DISABLED and the words HONEST INVESTIGATION would not cause Lawyers to be suspended from the practice of Law.
I am speaking to the choir! The GAO has about 4 ignored reports to Congress out on the subject, and every day the blogs: Probate Sharks, NASGA, AAAPG, MaryGSykes expose more corruption and profiteering by the plenary guardians of the elderly and the public trust. The perfidy of the "cover up" of the AMERICAN HOLOCAUST is the most UNREPORTED NEWS STORY of the 21st Century and the most successful 'cover up' ever. HERE IN ILLINOIS even the ATTORNEY REGISTRATION AND DISCIPLINARY COMMISSION - an Arm of the SCOI and the Supreme Court of Illinois are leaders in the Gulag! The SCOI is re=elected without shame as ALICE GORE'S teeth rot as a silent memorial to the POLITICAL AND JUDICIAL ELITE's most recent "gold rush!" Indeed - Sherry Johnson's mother was starved to death - so was Grandmother Gore! In addition the Court appointed Guardian ad Litem caused to be pulled 29 teeth from Alice's mouth when she discovered a few grains of gold therein that might be enrich her! When the 3rd Reich engaged in such activities outrage was heard - however, when our Political and Judicial elite mimicked their forebears the Media et al changed the subject --- DID YOU HEAR WHAT ***** SAID: " I am outraged!" is the mantra. The offending words are echoed hour after hour and day after day on the media, but Alice Gore's dignity *******
Face it - to our POLITICAL AND JUDICIAL ELITE, the elderly are a commodity!
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