Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Rule of law is not a suggestion or an option

All citizens (including individuals who are Justices of State Supreme Courts) are required to comply with the RULE OF LAW whether they agree with it or not.   That is a core value of the United States of America.

The Rule of law is not a suggestion or an option - it is the rule by which we as American live with.    The State Court must comply with the Rule of law as determined by the SCOTUS.    There are no ands, buts, or maybe's.    

In a similar manner the Supreme Court of the United States has said that government in all its forms and manifestations cannot regulate content related or political speech.    Thus, when a lawyer reports corruption, even if the report of corruption aggravates a lawyer disciplinary commission the lawyer disciplinary commission has no right to punish the lawyer.    

Like the Alabama Justice - the lawyer disciplinary Commissions have ignored the SCOTUS.   Such action is unlawful and wrong.    The violation of the law by public and judicial officials cannot be tolerated and thus people such as Jerome Larkin and his 18 USCA 371 co-conspirators ought to be in prison and required to pay the taxes due as a proximate cause of their participation in the conspiracy of elder cleansing.

This afternoon I wrote the following essay --- This news article makes the essay much more timely.   An Honest investigation of the assault on the Bill of Rights by corrupt judicial and public officials cannot be delayed further.  

With the stock market signaling that the economy is in trouble and unrest is so prevalent that even the most head in the sand media outlets are concerned, maybe it is time for the voice of the people to be heard by the people who are temporarily in power.     The Donald Trump rise to public consciousness is no accident.     The elder cleansing scandal and the assaults on the First Amendment(and the bill of rights) may not warrant even a mention in the mainstream media are clearly motivating many to a conscious desire for a return to the core values of America.      
The fact that the records of the probate division of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois reveal an Alice Gore case is so disturbing to many that they wonder if they will have to take the protection of their liberty and property interests into their own hands.     Senior citizens are frightened that they too can be herded into a guardianship wherein a corrupt judge and an even corrupter guardian ad litem will not only cause their life savings to disappear, but, subject them to having 29 teeth pulled so that the gold filings in their teeth can be harvested for the benefit of the corrupt judicial officials (including but not limited to the Judge, the attorneys, the court appointed judicial officers, and those who cover-up their crimes).         It is no comfort to Illinois citizens that there is a Mary Sykes case wherein the miscreants made no pretense as to their criminal activities and the ‘cover=up’ of the felonies promulgated in Sykes.    
The IRS/ Lois Lerner felonies are not much comfort either.      Everyone knows that the breach of fiduciary relationship is a taxable event, and those people who violation 18 USCA 371 in their cover-up of the criminal activity are jointly and severally liable for the Federal and State Income taxes.     Why then is the Federal and State taxing authorities so reluctant to collect the taxes that are due?      Illinois is on the verge of Bankruptcy.     Why is the Illinois Department of Revenue so reluctant to drop in on Mr. Jerome Larkin and collect the billion or so dollars that he owes in income taxes, interest and penalties as the proximate cause of his ‘cover up’ and protection of literally thousands of these ‘elder cleansing’ cases?       Ditto for the US Department of the Treasury.
Today’s Wall Street Journal cartoon is applicable:
I spoke today with a lady, who informed me that pursuant to the American’s with Disabilities Act, there is provision for citizen advocates.     It was her thesis that ordinary citizens are entitled to speak up and stand up for America’s disabled and elderly even when the legal profession is uninterested or acting in concert with those criminals amongst us who prey on the elderly and the disabled.     I have not personally researched her thesis, but, it makes sense to me as when JoAnne Denison published in her blog the disclosure of the perfidy of certain corrupt judges, corrupt lawyers, corrupt judicial officials and the massive cover=up by the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, Jerome Larkin and his co-conspirators assaulted the First Amendment and stated that her blog was akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater!     
NB.   Why would Larkin say such a thing?     It is obvious that his ox was being gored.      The timing was quite interesting --   the MaryGSykes blog had disclosed the certain nursing home operations were paying commissions (kickbacks) for referrals of guardianship wards.   Simply put – a guardian who would place (with court approval) his/her ward into a nursing home would receive a substantial sum as a reward!      As a single nursing home patient can yield to the facility a profit that can exceed 500 % ******.
Illinois is not the only State enjoying an abundance of judicial corruption!     Florida is a disgrace, Ohio, California, ***** are reprehensible *****.        THERE CRIMINALS PROMULGATING ELDER CLEANSING AND THEIR CRONIES HAVE OVERTHROWN THE LAWFUL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and we, the people, want our government back.      We want it back not by revolution or electing loud mouthed political figures who promise everything and deliver nothing – we want law enforcement to enforce the law and the tax man to force those who have entered into the 18 USCA 242 and 18 USCA 371 conspiracies with Jerome Larkin (and his lookalikes in other States) to pay the taxes, interest and penalties that they owe.

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