Monday, November 9, 2015

Last night I turned on saturday nite live

Last night I turned on saturday nite live, and watched a few minutes of a program that must be named how to turn off an audience.

We all have very serious issues.   The Elder Cleansing issue is highlighted by the fact that so many elderly and disabled Americans are literally herded into gulags so that they can be systematically deprived of their heritage, their citizenship, their liberty, their property and their humanity for the fun and profit of corrupt criminal elements in our judiciary, political, and public sector.    The specter of grandma being isolated, abused, exploited and ravaged while a JUDGE in purple or black robes presides is the real public image.) 

Unfortunately, so ineffective are we in our publication and cries for help that the media literally ignores us, law enforcement ignores us, and corrupt public and judicial officials actually punish us for calling attention to the American holocaust and its SHAME.   In Illinois JoAnne Denison authored a blog in which she exposed horrendous crimes against humanity being committed daily by corrupt lawyers and judges.   For instance, she exposed the Alice Gore case in which the avarice of Illinois judicial officials paralleled the crimes against humanity of the 1930/40 Nazi.  Ms. Gore's mouth was prospected and 29 teeth removed for their gold filings!

The reaction of the Lawyer Disciplinary Board and the Supreme Court of Illinois was immediate.    They equated Ms. Denison's exposure of the crime against humanity to "yelling fire in a crowded theater" and she received an emergency interim suspension of her law license.   (The metaphor was that of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission).   The greedy jurist and lawyers responsible for the outrage were not disciplined by the Illinois Authorities!   Only Attorney Denison.

How does this type of situation happen?    It appears that we (as citizens) are not getting our message across.    The genocide openly and notoriously being conducted against the elderly and the disabled (as well as certain veterans) is not being communicated in the language that the public understands!    

Let me be blunt.   If you received this message it did not go to spam, and if you were not motivated to make a demand of law enforcement and your elected representatives to immediately remediate the situation wherein the felonies that constitute elder cleansing are not efficaciously prosecuted I have once again failed to get OUR  message properly communicated.

I will know whether or not I have been successful on Monday morning.   If Jerome Larkin and the 18 USCA 242 and 18 USCA 371 miscreants over at the IARDC are not concerned about the tar and feathers being prepared in the lobby of the Prudential building I will have once again failed and more Senior citizens and disabled people will lose their liberty and humanity.    My ineffectiveness is very sad!
Ken Ditkowsky

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