Thursday, March 19, 2015

I sent the following to Governor Rauner, to wit:

I sent the following to Governor Rauner, to wit:

The Corruption in Illinois is a real blot on the State’s reputation and a major reason that large numbers of companies will not consider locating their businesses here.    The judicial system is rampant with jurists of questionable character and clout heavy lawyers who literally prey on the elderly, the disabled, the infirm etc.    As a businessman unless you resided in a totally sheltered environment there is not much that I can tell you that you do not already know; however, the scandal that slowly cooking in the Courts of this State is about to explode with dire consequences.
It is no secret that the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County is a disgrace and there are certain attorneys who literally are getting away with murder.    Take a look at the Mary Sykes file 09 P 4585.    Start with the Petition for guardianship.   Note that Mary’s two sisters are not disclosed.   Now read 755 ILCS 5/11a – 10.    It does not take a lawyer or even a literate person to note that the express terms of the statute were ignored.   As the Supreme Court of Illinois has declared these provisions to be jurisdictional a serious problem exists.    Now look for any indication that there was a hearing as to Mary Sykes competency.   You will not find it as the dirty little secret is that there never was one.    Thus, the mandate of 755 ILCS 5/11a  - 3b was never followed as the Court could not ascertain upon any evidence what, if anything, was the reasonable accommodation.     The statute provides:
Guardianship shall be utilized only as is necessary to promote the well-being of the disabled person, to protect him from neglect, exploitation, or abuse, and to encourage development of his maximum self-reliance and independence. Guardianship shall be ordered only to the extent necessitated by the individual's actual mental, physical and adaptive limitations[1]
755 ILCS 5/11a-3  
This statute is mandatory and consistent with the Americans With Disabilities Act requirement.     
Because a guardianship by its very nature delegates a disabled person’s liberty and possibly property rights to a 3rd person great care has to be exercised so as to not create a ‘taking’ or a forfeiture.    In the Sykes file an observer will notice that not only was no care taken, but, the two guardian ad litem, the plenary guardian, the judge et al ran roughshod.     It is my opinion and the opinion of many other lawyers that no jurisdiction was obtained over Mary Sykes or the Estate.
Judicial corrupt does not exist in a vacuum.    There must be a ‘cover-up.’     18 USCA 4 prohibits such action, but, here in Illinois we have Jerome Larkin the administrator of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.    He is in charge of the cover-up.    His method is very simple.    If a lawyer persists in noticing corruption in the Court the lawyers is suspended from the practice of law.  
I was a target and have written extensively concerning the assault on my First Amendment Rights.    I was not alone as a target for intimidation.    JoAnne Denison authors a blog.    Larkin and his minions are hard a work trying to intimidate Ms. Denison.      They have recommended a three year suspension.    The problem is that Larkin has not read the statutory protections.    The Bill of Rights, Article 1 of the Illinois Constitution (sec 4), 735 ILCS 110, 47 USCA 230, title 18 of USCA, 320 ILCS 20/4 (immunity from disciplinary action), ADA etc.    42 USCA 12203 prohibits retaliation (exactly what Larkin is doing).
Larkin is secure that the Supreme Court of Illinois will rubber stamp his action and the probability of the Supreme Court of the US accepting Cert literally gives him dictatorial power.    
The tax man is a great equalizer.    He wants his share, and as Larkin and his minions are all working in concert with the miscreants in their cottage industry of ‘elder cleansing’ it is anticipated that the millions dollars of untaxed benefits that Larkin and the miscreants received will ultimately help eliminate the deficit and imbalance of payments that the State of Illinois and the United States enjoy.      The uninventoried proceeds of elder cleansing totally more than a billion dollars nationwide (and possibly statewide – see Seth Gilman case).      It is respectfully suggested that the Illinois Department of Revenue is owed taxes on the Sykes case based upon roughly 2 million dollars for the year 2009, plus interest and penalties for the years that the sums were not reported.      In the Gore Estate, the harvested gold filings, as well as the assets of the estate are 1.5 million dollars.
The non-collection of these taxes is corruption that cannot be countenanced.      Neither is the racial nexus of the suspension of the license of Attorney L. Amu.      It is intolerable that a citizens civil rights be trampled upon and law enforcement (and the State Administration) do nothing about it.       It is outrageous, disingenuous, and unacceptable that any citizen be deprived of his/her rights because of the color of his/her skin.     Larkin’s action toward Amu are so disgusting and venal that I must point out to you, as Governor of the Great State of Illinois, that pecuniary corruption is bad enough – but racial discrimination is a game changer of very large proportions.
Attorney Amu was prosecuted and his license suspended on virtually day one because he over several years had the misfortune of taking 18 USCA 4 seriously and reporting the corruption of four individual judges to law enforcement.        Larkin in noting Amu’s darker skin hue found him to be an uppy *** and therefore a danger to the community.     Without a citizen complaint, and without one of the judges denying the corrupt charges Amu was suspended for three years[2].
As a potential employer interested in moving my business to Illinois I would take one look at the Amu case and rank Illinois right next to North Korea or Iran as a potential business site.       The Amu case is not going to be swept under the rug, nor will Sykes, Gore, ****.    They will tarnish the reputation of Illinois into perpetuity.    No prospective investor who does his due diligence has not heard the rumor that students in Illinois schools cannot recite the names of the Governors of Illinois who have not gone to prison!      Everyone is aware that more than a score of jurists went to jail in Operation Greylord and several score were forced to resign.     The reign of James Larkin and the miscreant ‘elder cleansers’ are similarly doing wonders to help Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan **** induce Illinois businesses to locate there.      They reason correctly that the Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa, and Michigan courts provide resolution of dispute, not a profit center for dishonest judges and lawyers acting in concert with James Larkin.

[1] The file does not demonstrate that the summons required by 11a -10 was ever served on Mary.   In fact it appears that the petitioner failed to serve any summons.     The 14 day prior notice to the ‘near’ or ‘close’ relatives was never given.    (This is also jurisdictional)          The railroading of a senior citizen into a guardianship is so matter of fact when a suitable target is obtained the guardian ad litem and those acting in concert grab the assets of the senior and use it as if it were their own.    In the Sykes case the guardian entered her safety deposit box and took gold coins.  Of course they were not inventoried; however, the guardian went from being impoverished to being able to host lavish parties, purchase jewelry, do remodeling on her home etc.    Interestingly she never denied the theft.    A denial came from Cynthia Farenga, one of the two guardian ad litem.   Ms. Farenga and Mr. Stern (the other guardian ad litem) were not present when the safety deposit box was breached.
[2] The judges that Amu complained of could have held him in contempt of court, but chose not to do so.    Judges are elected in Illinois and therefore political comment is important if we are to have an informed electorate.    No one forced the judge to run for office = having negative evaluation is one of the joys of political office.

I am tired of sitting idle when one of my friends is being racially discriminated against!    I will be damned if Larkin can quiet me!

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Governor Bruce Rauner

Thank you for contacting the Office of Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner. 

Your correspondence has been received and will be reviewed.   Depending on the nature of your correspondence, a representative from the Governor’s office may contact you.

Again, thank you. Your thoughts and concerns are important to Governor Rauner.

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