Saturday, August 16, 2014

Lawyer Discipline in New York is ‘Seriously Deficient,’ Says NYU Professor

Lawyer Discipline in New York is ‘Seriously Deficient,’ Says NYU Professor



New York’s system for disciplining lawyers is shrouded in secrecy and riddled with inconsistency, according to a new paper by a leading legal ethics expert.

“A study of all lawyer discipline cases in New York from mid-2008 through 2013… reveals that the system for lawyer discipline in New York is seriously deficient,” writes New York University law professor Stephen Gillers.

The professor — whose article appears in the most recent issue of the “New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy” — levels a number of criticisms at the Empire State’s sanction system. One glaring weakness, he says, is how difficult it is for a prospective client to look up a lawyer’s disciplinary history.

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