Tuesday, August 26, 2014

From Ken Ditkowsky to US Atty General Eric Holder–Continuing reports of felonies and absues in Probate

From Ken Ditkowsky to US Atty General Eric Holder–Continuing reports of felonies and absues in Probate

by jmdenison
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Aug 22, 2014 11:38 AM
To: "ComplaintAdmin ADA (CRT)" , "Complaint ADA (CRT)" , Eric Holder , "FBI- (" , Chicago FBI , Fiduciary Watch , Human Rights Watch , Cook County States Attorney , Edward Carter , Cook Sheriff , Probate Sharks , Nasga Us , Harry Heckert , Tim NASGA , "J. Ditkowsky" , "JoAnne M. Denison" , Matt Senator Kirk , Chicago Tribune , Janet Phelan , SUNTIMES , Ginny Johnson , BILL DITKOWSKY , Illinois ARDC , "Y. ACLU" , GLORIA Jean SYKES , Scott Evans , "Foxnews_7D7B711AF105DCA690AB56169C0FF242 (" , "JoAnne M. Denison" , Bev Cooper , "Chicagotonight (" , Diane Nash , ISBA Main Discussion Group , "tips@cbschicago.com" , "Mr. Lanre Amu -- Honest Atty Unfairly Persecuted By ARDC" , Martin Kozak , "Jim (" , 60m Cbs News <60m@cbsnews.com>, Martha Jantho , "Fox2newsdesk (" , The Wall Street Journal , Eric Blair , Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik , "illinoislawyernow@isba.org" , Barbara Stone , ACLU of Illinois , Rudy Bush , Sam Sugar , Alyece Russell , "Truthbetoldradio (" , "information@iardc.org" , "gcoleman@bclclaw.com" , Tom Fields , Nancy Vallone , RosANNa Miller , Glenda Martinez , Yjd , John Howard Wyman , Robert Bissonnette , Len Holland , Marty Prehn , Maria 60 Minutes , Theresa Pizzarello , "foxbusiness_7d7b711af105dca6eb5d0f24e6c8de86@newsletters.foxnews.com"
Cc: "ABAJournal.com" , WSJ Reporter , "weekend@cbsnews.com" , The Weekly Standard

This morning August 22, 2014 the Chicago Tribune reports that a criminal lawyer is being prosecuted for his subordination of perjury.    There is no report that Mr. Jerome Larkin or any of his staff members are being prosecuted for their role in the alleged subordination of perjury that occurred during the kangaroo hearings involving Attorney JoAnne Denison, or the perjury that was committed during Mr. Larkin’s assault on the First Amendment in the Amu case or in my case.
The facts are very simple.    Judge Stuart was asked questions concerning the ‘chaining’ of Ms. Gloria Sykes in Judge Stuart’s courtroom.    As there were court watchers present Mr. Larkin faces some serious legal problems because Judge Stuart is reported to have first denied that Ms. Sykes was handcuffed as part of the intimidation process, and then blurted out that this was the first only time such an event occurred.     As these proceedings are tightly controlled and there is evidence of ex-parte communications between the trier of fact and Mr. Larkin’s people the subordination of perjury problem is very acute.    The problem is aggravated by the fact that the panels in spite of having to address a standard of “clear and convincing evidence” in fact require no evidence and on facts to convict.    For instance, Mr. Larkin and the miscreant guardians and judicial officials have yet to disclose a single fact that Mr. Amu, Ms. Denison or I stated that was false much less provide any proof that such fact was in fact false.
When the transcript of Judge Stuart’s testimony was written up the transcript was reported to be altered so as to rectify and sanitize the aforesaid testimony.      As the Court reporter makes an audio recording to the testimony, Ms. Denison requested the same.      Hysterically Larkin and his attorneys have refused to provide the audio.         Mr. Larkin has a delegation for the Supreme Court of Illinois to protect the public from unethical lawyers.      How then does Mr. Larkin first present a witness who appears to be ‘frugal with the truth’ and then a transcript the uses an improper literary license in its presentation so as to alter the evidence presented so that the evidence is not in accord with objective reality?
Pursuant to 18 USCA 4 I am forwarding this note to the Department of Justice to report yet another felony that is occurring in the office of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.   I am also pursuant to Himmel reporting Mr. Larkin’s unacceptable and ethically challenged behavior to the Commission.   No I do not expect that they will do an HONEST intelligent complete or comprehensive investigation – from past history, I expect we will get another letter telling us to ‘pound sand!’     However, the problems reported are very serious and are a cancer that has infected the fabric of America.    Therefore, they need to be addressed.
To reiterate:
1)      First Amendment.      Even a pre-teen knows that all citizens have the duty pursuant to 18 USCA 4 to report felonies to law enforcement.     The right to petition the government is clearly stated not only in the First Amendment but in Article 1 section 4 of the Illinois Constitution and reiterated again at 735 ILCS 110/5.      Mr. Larkin is uninterested and therefore he has prosecuted lawyers for complaining about corruption in the Courts.    Ms. Denison, Mr. Amu and I have been victims of Larkin’s ultra vires and unconstitutional behavior.
2)      Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment.      Equal protection of the law is a ‘core value’ of America; however, Mr. Larkin does not recognize the same.     The proceedings before his panels are notorious for being kangaroo courts replete with ex-parte communications, perjury, bias and other deficiencies.    The proceedings against Mr. Amu smack of racism!      I am surprised that the panel did not chuck its suit for White Sheets and hoods!
3)      Discrimination against the elderly, the disabled, and the infirm.      There are several ways that one can look at Mr.  Larkin’s actions.    The problem is in every way that the actions are described the actions are reprehensible and wrong.     In both my proceeding and that of Ms. Denison the treatment of Ms. Gloria Sykes is and was totally improper and ethically challenged.    One of the most glaring acts occurred on or about July 1.     As the evidence of the criminal activity of the two guardian ad litem and the guardian mounted so that even the Judges were indicating embarrassment concerning the miscreant behavior a senior attorney (Ms. Guzman) refused a complaint against the miscreants on the basis that Adam Stern had been appointed guardian ad litem for Gloria Sykes.     Of course Ms. Guzman was operating under the standard credo of the IARDC as administered by Larkin - i.e. do not confuse me with the facts, I’ve made up my mind.     When Ms. Sykes voiced her outrage at the knowingly false statement Ms. Guzman 17 days later claimed that her prevarication was a ‘typo!’  

Larkin and the IARDC are aware of Congress has decreed in the Americans with Disabilities Act that disabled people are be afforded reasonable accommodation for their disability.    755 ILCS 5/11a – 3 (b) recites the goal of the State of Illinois and thus limits any adventure by judicial officials and guardians in excess of the ADA.     In a State in which school children have difficulty naming the governors who have not gone to jail and in which it has been calculated that $3008 dollars a year per capita is the cost of corruption it is not surprising that some judges and some lawyers would create a cottage industry –for profit – that preys on the elderly. 

Ms. Denison and I pursuant to 18 USCA 4 and our moral conscience started documenting and complaining to law enforcement concerning the infamies  of some of the more famous guardian ad litem and guardians.    Mr. Larkin in a blatant and obvious attempt to silence me and any other attorney who might protest filed ambiguous and misleading averments claiming that I was making some unspecified, unidentified, and idiopathic false statements concerning judicial officials.       Ms. Denison was accused of publishing the statements on her blog even though 47 USCA 230 provides her with complete immunity.     Mr. Larkin was aware of 1) that the statements that were published were all based upon sworn affidavits of the family members and friends of victims, and 2) the lack of denial by the averred miscreant.     Mr. Larkin was also aware that the statements were all protected by the First Amendment and several years prior a bunch of judicial officials including lawyers, judges, and court personnel went to jail for attempting and participating in a not to dissimilar stunt.

Never the less Larkin and attorneys employed by the State of Illinois to serve in the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission commenced a concerted effort to silence any attorney who sought to protest the criminal conduct of elder cleansing i.e.   the railroading of senior into a guardianship wherein the guardians isolated the victim from his/her family, his /her liberty interest, and whatever assets the victim might own possess or otherwise have viable claim.     After the cottage industry of judicial officials and those who aid and abet the criminal process is completed that victim is assisted to perform an involuntary assisted suicide. 

Up to this point in time anyone who is taking the time to read this e-mail knows that I’ve made this statement dozens of times and in a dozen different ways; however, Mr. Tim Larkin sat me down this week to point out that while everything that I’ve said to this point in time is accurate and presents a horrible cancer that threatens to destroy the core values of America,  Congress and the Justice Department have been much more specific in informing the public as to how twenty-first Century America expects its disabled people to be treated.    Thus, the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The ADA is not another of those acts that congress or a legislature enacted so that some political hack could go back to his district and tell the public how he passed legislature that was going to bring world peace to *****.     It is a credo!     It is a manifesto!      And it says that America society shall accommodate the deficiencies of its disabled so that they will enjoy America just as if they were not disabled.     To indicate that this is serious stuff, the exceptions are few but they are significant.   Certain self-inflicted disabilities are not covered.

What does this mean?    It means that when Adam Stern reports that Mary Sykes does not want **** and Mary is recorded on a video and pens a written statement that she wants ***** the Court or other provider is required to make reasonably available ***** for Mary.     It also means that if Mary is capable of doing her banking, visiting her sisters, jawing with her younger daughter the guardian has no power or ability to interfere.    The Cynthia Farenga or Peter Schmiedel excuse of the family agitating Mary is not available, applicable, appropriate or even allowable.    The ravaging of Mary Sykes’ estate even with a Court order is a violation of ADA.    I do not have to go into detail as the ADA cases and the position of the Justice Department on the subject are a matter of public record.   This public record is presumed to be KNOWN to lawyers such as Larkin Guzman, Black, Stern, Solo, Farenga, Schmiedel etc. 

What this means therefore is that Larkin, Guzman, Black, Stern, Solo Farenga, Schmiedel et al have acted in concert to deny Mary Sykes, Alice Gore ***** their Civil Rights and protections provided for pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.     It also means that all those who have acted in concert with them directly or indirectly are also guilty.      The active participation in a scheme to violated the Civil Rights of a disabled person is a very serious offense and must be addressed.     ADA provides for substantial penalties for the violations.

As evidence of these violations I incorporate by reference the following official files:

1)      The bogus disciplinary proceedings including documents filed in the various courts in the cases of myself, Ms. Denison, and any other attorney who was directly or indirectly involved in a guardianship case.     (These files will  demonstrate that all attempts by private citizens to obtain an ‘accommodate’ for a disabled person was thwarted by not only Larkin, Guzman, assorted judicial officials, but a host of other co-conspirators.)
2)      The Probate Court files maintained by various Circuit Courts clerks in guardianship cases such as Sykes 09 P4585, Gore, Wyman, Tyler etc in Illinois
3)      GA0 reports to Congress
4)      Citizen complaints and protests to lawyer disciplinary commissions concerning the actions of certain judges  such as Connors, Stuart, Reynolds guardian ad litem such as Stern, Farenga, Schmiedel, Solo, administrators such as Larkin, Guzman, Black,
Supra, I referred to the incident involving Gloria Sykes.   Gloria Sykes is the younger daughter of Mary Sykes.    As part of a treatment for a disability Ms. Sykes has a ‘helper’ or ‘companion’ dog.    This animal is essential to Ms. Sykes’ health.   Such is a disability that is recognized pursuant to ADA.     The threat of a guardian ad litem to ‘kill’ Ms. Sykes treatment dog does not qualify as an “accommodation”     The arbitrary refusal of Attorney Black and Attorney Larkin to not allow Gloria to have the dog present with Gloria as she testifies in not an acceptable accommodation under the act.     This is especially true as the excuse made was a bold faced untruth – Larkin’s attorney claimed falsely that the building would not allow the animal in the building.
Reasonable accommodation is the LAW OF THE LAND.     When we elect Jerome Larkin dictator he can change the law.    Until that date he should be required like every other citizen to comply with the law.    

Ken Ditkowsky
jmdenison | August 23, 2014 at 7:37 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p209wH-1pS

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