Sunday, August 24, 2014

Email to Dr. Huffin–what our situation in Chicago currently is

Email to Dr. Huffin–what our situation in Chicago currently is by jmdenison Email to Dr. Huffin -- rom: JoAnne M Denison To:, Atty Ken Ditkowsky , mary Sue Richards , Lynn Drabik , Jean Semrow , Mike Messer , Richana Owens Marie Owens Daughter , Rodney Owens , Daiva Marija , Daiva SANDANAVICIUTE , Gloria Sykes Subject: thanks for your book---Legal Abuse Syndrome Date: Aug 23, 2014 10:39 AM I would like to feature your book on my blog. I have read the first part of it and I have to let you know that you have really nailed this problem. I bought it on Kindle I am a lawyer in Chicago that works with probate court abuse victims. I have many of the people you describe as actual clients and blogging clients. Your descriptions are accurate and truthful and the miscreants involved have no idea how the wards, their families and friends are terrorized in court where they are repeatedly told to shut up, their please are ignored and loved ones are locked up, locked down and drugged until they perish--which is always after the probate attorneys involved drain the estate with their tied in friends too--(anti) social workers, case (mis) managers, visiting nurse (terrorizers). No one ever knows or understands the problem unless they are directly involved. It is sheer agony. And the goal of these attorneys is to drain the estate, lie about funds being with other relatives and then drain those relatives too leaving everyone homeless and penniless in the end. I have worked on my probate corruption blog since Nov. of 2011, and never did I imagine I would receive literally scores of stories of terrorization in court, the ruination of many people and the relentless flinging of corrupted papers and documents against wholly innocent family members. I deal with these walking wounded all the time. So I greatly appreciate your book. I saw your video too. If you would like, I invite you to write articles for my blog about your stories and I will in turn feature your book. You did an excellent job that will help many. thanks so very much joanne Her Response: From: legal abuse syndrome [Edit Address Book] To: JoAnne M Denison Subject: Re: thanks for your book---Legal Abuse Syndrome Date: Aug 23, 2014 11:11 AM Attachments: 1-12-11PTSD Assessmenton.pdf 4-3-12EAA Brochure.pdf ADAABAPositionPaper.pdf 7-19-14jorge Webinar flyer and Press Release-2.pdf 8-16-14Press Release domestic violence.docx Thank you. Of course I will in turn support your blog as we have to get the word out and end our legal procedures being used as weapons, tools of theft, and a public health menace. I am attaching some materials here for you to review. Feel free to use from what I send in your blog mentioning my name is appreciated as it keeps the information flowing. Domestic Violence is thought to be young men on women when it is any family or intimate person who attempts to use coercive control and remove the civil rights from the target. I have articles that I am happy to send you as well. Just let me know. I am training ADA Advocates by webinar starting Sept. 30 I included that too. The answer here is to inundate these courts with Disability Advocates. Dr. Karin Huffer From: JoAnne M Denison To: legal abuse syndrome , Atty Ken Ditkowsky Subject: Re: thanks for your book---Legal Abuse Syndrome Date: Aug 23, 2014 11:40 AM Dear Dr. Huffer thanks so much for your prompt reply. I will publish on my blog what you have sent me to try to help these victims. The blog is located at and and I start this blog when a certain Mary G Sykes was railroaded into a guardianship without notice to her or her elderly sisters, so the case has been running without jurisdiction for 5 years now! I could not believe that Mary was not served, nor her sisters and the lawyers involved are soooo greedy, they don't care either. Mary Sykes, being 94 now is a victim, living with a dark, greedy estranged daughter she never wanted to live with. Her younger daughter, Gloria has been fighting the system for 5 years now, and she had some unfair litigation before that (insurance claim where the insurance company made a bad repair, then mold grew throughout the home making the repair exceedingly expensive), so they stopped work and sued HER. eventually that lawsuit was settled, but Gloria walked away with $500k, so what did the miscreants do? Guardianize mom and then go after Gloria's money, mom's money,--you name it, it was a mess, but they all have gotten away with it. The claim for all the miscreants? Mom "needs the money for her care". The truth? All of the money went to the attorneys! That's right, some $350k after 5 years of litigation did not go to "mom's care" but to 3 tied in and tied up attorneys. Complaints were filed with the Illinois ARDC. Ken Ditkowsky, Mary's former attorney, as well as I, have be vociferous in our complaints and publishing the truth about this case and others--that the Cook County Probate Court is a disaster and magnate for the greedy and unethical and they terrorize wards, friends and families alike. So Ken Ditkowsky has been suspended for 4 years from the practice of law for speaking the truth --at age 78. He writes prolifically for my blog. I publish the stories, comments and helpful legal tips and tricks and briefs and pleadings for probate victims and give them credibility to their claims. So the ARDC charged me with misconduct and I am patiently waiting for their "discipline" for my telling the truth publicly on my blog about the Sykes case and others. At my trial, the relatives of Mary showed up and testified--and were told "sour grapes" by my tribunal. So they were abused at the probate court level for years, then they show up to help ME out, and they are abused by the Illinois ARDC. There are no limits to the greed, corruption and evil that surrounds the Illinois Probate Court system located in the Chicago Daley Center on the 18th floor. They terrorize families left and right, up and down. The names of the miscreants are well known and well publicized on numerous probate blogs--mine, and And still we fight. Thanks again. Please read my blog and send me articles to post. thanks for all that you do for these largely unrecognized and not understood victims and their families. JoAnne cc: jmdenison | August 23, 2014 at 4:41 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: Comment See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser:

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