Sunday, January 26, 2014

Battle over Julie Harris’ estate, round 2

Battle over Julie Harris’ estate, round 2

The battle for legendary stage star Julie Harris’ estate is heating up.
Herbert Nass, a lawyer who represented Harris for many years until he was abruptly dismissed toward the end of her life, has filed an objection to the actress’ will.
He believes Harris, who suffered multiple strokes before she died in August, “was not of sound mind or memory” when she left a chunk of her fortune to her caretaker, Francesca Rubino, a soap opera actress who goes by the stage name Francesca James.
In a column I wrote in November, Nass and other former Harris employees claimed Rubino took advantage of the ailing actress, seizing control of her medical and business affairs and “isolating” her from friends and family, including her son, Peter Gurian.
Rubino is a co-executor of Harris’ estate, which is thought to be worth $10 million. She stands to earn $200,000 in fees and inherited $50,000 outright.
The bulk of the estate was left to Gurian. But a bizarre codicil to the will effectively disinherits him if he “harms, harasses or intimidates . . . my friends, including Francesca R. Rubino.”
Harris’ will and the codicil “were procured by fraud and undue influence practiced upon the decedent” by Rubino and attorney Isaac Peres, Nass alleges in his objection, which was filed last month with the probate court in Barnstable, Mass.
Responded Peres, in an e-mail: “I can assure you that attorney Nass’ objection and his affidavit supporting it are purely conclusory, completely false and not made on personal knowledge . . . which is an absolute requirement under Massachusetts law.”
Nass has no intention of backing down.
“I knew Julie for many years on a personal level,” he said. “I was at her home many times. I knew her doctors. I know a lot about her.”
Harris lived on a splendid seaside estate in Cape Cod. Gurian lives in a house his mother built for him on the estate. But Rubino took out a harassment prevention order against him three years ago that barred him from entering Harris’ house. Friends say he had no contact with his mother during the final years of her life.
Harris’ longtime housekeeper and gardener were also let go.
The housekeeper, Kathryn Bowden, was fired in an especially brutal manner. As she was driving up to Harris’ house, a policeman stopped her and served her with the following letter from Peres:
“It has recently come to Julie’s attention that you have made several slanderous statements about another member of the team [Rubino]. These statements upset Julie a great deal . . . as a result, she no longer wishes to employ you. In addition you are no longer welcome on the property . . . any entry onto the property will be treated as a trespass.”
Bowden told me she was “in shock” and “grieved” because she could no longer see Harris, whom she considered a friend. Bowden spoke to Harris by phone in an attempt to straighten things out. Harris, she said, was upset and bewildered and didn’t seem to understand why Bowden had been let go.
A few days later, Bowden received another letter from Peres telling her she would be “arrested for trespassing” if she set foot on Harris’ property. He also threatened to obtain a harassment prevention order against her.
Nass has requested that his objections go to trial.
A pre-trial hearing has been scheduled for Feb. 19 in Barnstable.
See you on the Cape, everybody!

Congratulations to Jonny Orsini and Lloyd Mayor, this year’s recipients of the Clive Barnes Awards for theater and dance. Orsini was honored for his performance in “The Nance,” and Mayor for his work with the Martha Graham Company.
Each receives a cash prize of $5,000.
The awards are in memory of The Post’s longtime dance and theater critic, who died in 2008.

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