Friday, September 30, 2011

How to File a Complaint Against Judges and Attorneys (preface)

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How to File a Complaint Against Judges and Attorneys (preface)

My name is Danny Tate and I AM the author of this blog. For the lawyers from Judge Randy Kennedy's court that troll herein, stop your commenting. I will no longer attempt to remain anonymous. My appeal was heard this week. The ONLY people that have ever offered support to Randy Kennedy are attorneys that practice in and profit from his corrupt court. Very telling. Their names can also be found in his campaign contribution file which is presented in PDF form in an earlier post from this same blog (I will post it again, so that you can be aware of who is participating in these illegal practices). Not ONE layperson contributed. Only attorneys. Judge Randy Kennedy would not survive a contested election. What's sad is that he will probably be appointed to a higher court unless reform ta kes place. He was appointed to the bench in the probate court which is supposed to be an elected position. Our legal system does provide vast opportunity for failing upwards.

This post, and the ones to follow (series), could help us revolutionize our legal system.

Legal minds have recognized the internet as the most important tool in recent history for fighting back against an utterly compromised legal system. It is the new frontier for free speech.

This blog is fact based. For the probate attorneys that have alleged libel, I welcome you to the table of discovery and deposition. I hope you do. Then we would have another avenue for exposing this court and its officers along with the systematic corruption that is perpetrated on unsuspecting citizens daily. Kennedy's "campaign contributors" (posted at the bottom) have grown delusional by getting away with perjured hearsay allegations being recognized as fact, or, should I say, as clear and convincing evidence, but they forget that "we, the people" will not tolerate this; we have been left in the dark to believe we have no recourse. We do. Probate attorneys, your perjury won't be recognized, much less tolerated, on this blog. I would love to post these comments and do critiques of each one, but time is too valuabl e and my efforts are focused on a much more effective way of weeding you out. Besides, it would be like continuing to call the retarded boy for double dribbling.

This series (How to File a Complaint....) is meant for every jurisdiction in the USA. As far as getting something done to effect change, I believe this series is of utmost importance. I'm asking that you repost and let's make this viral. I'm sure similar avenues of legal accountability exist in other countries (for those around the world who follow this blog).

Judge Randy Kennedy's campaign contribution file was mentioned above. Lawyer's contributing to judges is an ethics violation in itself, but our Court of the Judiciary in Tennessee refuses to recognize it as such, but I guarantee you that most, if not all, of the law firms and attorneys represented on that list have committed violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct while Kennedy routinely commits violations of the Judicial Code of Ethics (The Judicial Code). And most, if not all, have conspired with Judge Kennedy to commit crimes including racketeering, wire fraud, bank fraud and all forms of corruption.

Now, to the point.

Having been stripped of all civil, human and legal rights and without the help of an attorney (if you are a ward of the state under Kennedy's watch, you are a lost consideration; your own attorney is not working for you, but for the court; it's a crazy twist in the law; but don't think for a minute an attorney in Kennedy's court is practicing ethically), I was left to my own devices to figure my way out of the dark hole the 7th Circuit Court had dug for me and digs for others daily by systematically subverting the law. This errant and corrupt court is textbook on subversion of the law. Subversion of the Law 101 must be taught at Nashville School of Law. This inferior institution needs to be shuttered and chained post haste, but that topic is for another day. It is from this school that an inordinate amount of judges in Davidso n County graduate, including Randy Kennedy; thus, the ineptness and corruption that controls our judiciary. Again, for another post. But, in this series, I'm going to educate you in a an important part of the strategy I used to squeeze these culprits into submission. Unfortunately, my estate was already looted by the time it was over. I've learned much more since the alleged termination; and am unleashing a strategy that will help us make sure it does not continue. This is a call to all supporters. And it's a warning to all the illegal practitioners from Kennedy's court. You are on the hit list and you are going to awaken very soon to the grim reality you have been playing ball on the wrong team. It's so disillusioning to realize that the public servants charged with protecting us are THE BAD GUYS-literally. I've already cracked the code on how the scam works. It's laid out in this blog. Now, I believe I've cracked the code on how to bring it all down.

This series is an attempt to educate laypersons on how to file a complaint against naughty lawyers and unethical judges who have kept us in the dark to this recourse. I consider myself someone who keeps himself relatively informed and educated by reading the newspaper and watching the news(and a college graduate), but I had no idea there was a governing body that should be protecting me from the illegal actions of Kennedy. I had never heard of the Court of the Judiciary (governing body over judges) or the Judicial Code of Ethics (rules judges MUST conduct themselves by). I had never heard of The Board of Professional Responsibility (governing body over attorneys) and the rules they are governed by, until I ran into a childhood friend who is a judicial investigator from my home state. I returned to him a week later with a working knowledge from the Judicial Code. I went to the website I will provide in this series and downloaded the various complaint forms, then went to work. My complaints stuck. Considering that, today, in the Tennessean newspaper, an article appeared that represented over 90% of judicial complaints are dismissed, I bat .1000 in my efforts. I don't claim credit for being masterful in my first complaint, but it was with ease that I caught their attention by clear and convincing evidence (actually, "strongly represented allegations"). I assisted Ginger Franklin in authoring her complaint against the same judge (Kennedy) and it stuck. Two pitches, two hits. Kennedy is generously errant, so he's an easy target. Unfortunately, the TN Court of the Judiciary is comprised of former TN judges, so we have found ourselves dealing with a impotent body of judges judging judges. (in truth, they have proven to be an organization that protects judges). They have yet to discipline Kennedy in either complaint. We are confident Senator Mae Beavers, chairperson for the TN Senate Judiciary Committee, and the hearings she held this week addressing drastic reform in the TN Court of the Judiciary, will finally bring our much needed REAL protection from errant judges.

Corruption in the TN legal system is of epidemic proportions, in my opinion. We need a thorough house cleaning within the Davidson County judiciary. The problem that faces an ethical judge is that one bad apple spoils the whole bunch and this is represented in the TN Judicial Code of Ethics. Just one bad judge brings the entire judiciary into disrepute (somewhat paraphrased, but close to exact).

Possessing knowledge from the Judicial Code, you can sit as an observer in Kennedy's court and watch ethics violated faster than you can takes notes and this is no exaggeration. Judges should sit in awe of the awesome responsibility bestowed upon them by we the people. Instead, you watch lawyers grovel pathetically and citizens brow beat by a public servant.

If you've ever had to do business with an attorney, you are familiar with that arrogant and condescending attitude by which you are addressed. The delusional egos of attorneys are also their achilles heel. The next time you have this experience, drop a little hint that you are familiar with the Board of Professional Responsibility, and your rights to file a complaint, and watch that errant attitude vaporize before your eyes. Just make sure you follow through with your complaints. At the same time, do not file complaints frivolously or it will result in diluting the impact of legitimate complaints. If that doesn't work, mention "errors and omissions" (this will have every attorney on my radar tossing and turning tonight). We will address errors and omissions later in this series.

Colleague protection is the norm within our legal system. But this is breaking the rules that govern attorneys. When an attorney protects a colleague who has been naughty, he breaks the rules, too; but because their is an utter lack of awareness to our rights to complain, breaking the rules is business as usual. Attorneys are legally bound to levy complaints against any judge or attorney who violates their respective codes. Unfortunately, it's honor among thieves. So, if your attorney DOES NOT file a complaint or levy charges with any and all the various and appropriate bodies, then THEY have violated their rules and you can file a complaint against them. Pay close attention to that last sentence. Though it rarely happens, attorneys are bound to file a complaint (or charges) against a any judge or attorney t hey observe breaking the rules. If they do not, then they open themselves up for a complaint. Do you see the beauty in this? Now we have them "by the short tinys".

This is important, also. You don't even have to be involved directly with a case to file a complaint. If you observe an attorney or judge "breaking the rules" (and/or the law) in any legal proceeding, you have a right to file a complaint. Seize upon this, people. Your children's future world and welfare are at stake. We CAN do something about this. Divide and conquer.

Educate yourself to the rules governing lawyers and judges and you become a force to be reckoned with. We must take the power back in a corrupt legal system where "we the people" have become a lost interest.

Some of the worst advice you can adhere to:"let me be the lawyer". When you hear that phrase it should come accompanied with a sharp pain in your rectum because you are about to get it there. Allowing a lawyer to run freely over your case is inviting trouble. Isn't that troubling in itself?

Another catch phrase used among attorneys that should send you running (and I have only heard it from attorneys): "I've got to work in this town". That means you have just become another lost consideration. That means the judge, the attorney across the aisle and your own attorney are ahead of you on the attorney's list of who to help.

By the way, I wish I could become rich losing, but that doesn't exist in my profession. Attorneys charge you hundreds an hour and get paid even when they lose.

This last catch phrase, "it's not who knows the law, it's who knows the judge". It's according to who says it, but within that one phrase both sets of rules are violated.

Please edit and spread it. Take this series (How to File a Complaint), along with the information it possesses, and make everyone aware.

The judiciary has established itself as the most powerful branch of government and are the most unaccounted for (Marbury v Madison). We are confident Senator Mae Beavers ( will provide us with the much needed reform within Tennessee's Court of the Judiciary. Email her with words of encouragement demanding such reform. Variations of these same bodies exist in every jurisdiction, but the only people that know this are attorneys and judges and they DON'T want us to know-truly. Senator Beavers, our forefathers did not possess the same patience, that's been required of us, with the British. "By any means necessary". Use the words of our forefathers (or was it the Black Panthers?) and you could be put in prison these days

On an important side note, our Constitution trumps any law. And judges are immediately instructed to rule consistent with the Constitution in the Judicial Code, but the Constitution and Bill of Rights are abhorred by judges. It gets in the way of abuse of power, ruling "willy-nilly" and the delusion that they create the law. Kennedy is guilty on all points. And he's not the brightest bulb on the tree.

The next post will give you the web sites where you can find the necessary forms and information, along with a minimal of instruction, on how to file the appropriate complaint. I have had countless people approach me about their own plights in Kennedy's court. I've instructed them to file a complaint. Most have not followed through. Our COJ, as it stands, may not be the most effective body, but just like in a criminal court, you won't be allowed to get in unless you've filed the charges. This past week has been significantly important, so NOW is the time.

Let's take back the power and, please stay tuned for the next posting.

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