Monday, February 1, 2016

Proposal to presidential candidates to put terrorism in perspective through comparative statistics and emerge as the reassuring Enlightening Leader & Champion of Justice

Proposal to presidential candidates to put terrorism in perspective through comparative statistics and emerge as the reassuring Enlightening Leader & Champion of Justice


Dr.Richard Cordero, Esq.

9:33 AM (20 hours ago)
to petehendrickson, harjustice007, fasterthinking, mgh0119, bill.stanley, cynthiastphns, laurae.ayala, ssugarmd, radin.lidya2, planetgarthj, writejanet, ajo, janet_c_phelan, mhdecoursey, zamboni_john, dinajpadilla, christopher.b.., rebecca, CorderoRic, Dr.Richard.Cor., Dr.Richard.Cor., trumansigler, rb, Matthew
Dear Mr. Hendrickson, Ms. Stephens, Mr. Youssef, Mr. Hexum, Mr. DeCoursey, Mr. Oakey, and Advocates of Honest Judiciaries,
Thank you for your concern about the appearance ofjoinedwords in my emails. This is of interest to all advocates of honestjudiciaries, for joinedwords cast a pall of perfunctory writing that impairs thecommunication among advocates and between them and the rest of the public. Thatis why advocates may want to join our effort to solve that problem as well asthe even more serious one of emails not sent because they are determined to bespam, discussed below, as is the problem of emails alleged to be“undeliverable”.
So any assistance that you may be willing to provide tosolve these problems will benefit a large number of people.   
A. Joinedwords in Word 2010: a known glitch
2. I had Word 2007 until January 2015,when I uninstalled it and installed Word 2010. The latter is the word processorthat I use to compose my emails and articles, whose text then I copy and pasteto a webmail page of Verizon, my Internet Service Provider. Even today, thattext does not have joinedwords when I press the Send button.
3. However, since the beginning ofNovember 2015, addressees of my emails and recipients of my articles have letme know that when they received them, they had joinedwords. In addition, sincethen I have noticed that in the threads of their replies to my emails, the textof my emails appear with joinedwords.
4. It follows that I have no controlover joinedwords. After revising, and running a spell checker on, my emails andarticles, I send them with no joinedwords. A glitch or malware must be causing joinedwordsto appear in them while in transit or when they are being downloaded to theaddressees’ computers.
5. I no longer have access to Word 2007.But even if I did, I would not uninstall Word 2010 and go back to Word 2007,for that could cause a host of unexpected problems with all the documents thatI have composed in Word 2010 since January 2015, when I installed it.
6. Nor would I attempt to apply a patchdeveloped for Word 2007 to my Word 2010.
1. Have updates and new programs caused the reemergenceof the joinedwords glitch?
7. How is it possible that the joinedwordsglitch has reemerged five years after the release of Word 2010 and its solutionrelatively soon thereafter? Has Microsoft updated Word 2010 in such a way as tocause this problem to come back? Is its Windows 10 operating system somehowcausing the appearance of joinedwords?
8. Are joinedwords caused by a glitch inVerizon’s webmail program?
2. Are joinedwords being intentionally used to deflectattention from the emails’ critical contents?
9. Or is a third party causingjoinedwords to detract from the professionalism and competence of the author oftext in which they appear and to distract readers from paying attention to hiscriticism of such third party? The foundation for this question is thefollowing:
10. My emails and articles are critical of judges’wrongdoing(* >jur:5§3). The latter isenabled by their unaccountability; the consequent risklessness of theirwrongdoing; the pervasive secrecy of their operation; and the coordination,which allows for a more secure, efficient, and profitable wrongdoing, amongthemselves and between them and other insiders of the judicial and legalsystems.
11. These four circumstances enabling judges’wrongdoing(* >ol:190¶¶1-7) are discussed inmy study of judges and their judiciary, which is titled and downloadable asfollows*:
Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability 
and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing:

Pioneering the news and publishing field 
of judicial unaccountability reporting
NOTE:Eliminate the blank spaces in a link before clicking on it.
* ht  tp://Judicial-D  /DrRCorder   o-Honest_Jud_Advocates.pdf
or ht  tp:  //  1NkT7D8
or http://   /DrRCord  ero_jud_unaccountability   _reporting.p   df
If these links do not downloadthe file in Internet Explorer, download either of the following browsers,install it, copy the first link above into the browser’s search box, and hit‘Enter’. If the file, which has over 830 pages and is more than 57 MB in size, doesnot download, try using the other links and then the other browser:
In the file of my study, all blue text superscriptnote and (parenthetical) references areactive internal hyperlinks. By clicking on them, you can effortlessly bring upto your screen the referred-to supporting and additional information, thusfacilitating substantially your checking it.
12. I endeavor to expose judges’ wrongdoing byinforming the public thereof and calling on it, in general, and on advocates ofhonest judiciaries, in particular, to assemble and join forces to expose their wrongdoingas the prerequisite to bringing about judicial reform(jur:158§§6-8).
13. The practical result of joinedwords is to causereaders of my emails and articles to reason that if I so often commit themistake of joiningwords and am so careless about correcting them, then I can beexpected to have committed just as many mistakes in handling facts and the law,crafting arguments, and reaching conclusions, and consequently, my writings arenot worth reading.
14.Such practical result benefits wrongdoing judges.This provides probable cause to believe that the judges could have intendedsuch result.
15. In addition to motive, judges have the means andopportunity to cause the appearance of joinedwords(jur:21§§1-3):Their judiciaries run extensive and sophisticated Information Technologynetworks for filing and retrieving scores of millions of judicial and legaldocuments daily. In fact, they have the most important means: power overpeople’s property, liberty, and the rights and duties that determine theirpersonal and corporative lives; power to issue secret orders and seal files;and power to reward or retaliate against the addressees of their orders.
3. Emails critical of judges’ wrongdoing being labelledspam, thus preventing their being sent
16. Judges could be wielding their power in a muchmore abusive way to frustrate the efforts of advocates of honest judiciaries atjudicial wrongdoing exposure and reform.
17. For instance, my emails are ever more frequentlybeing prevented from going out by a notice stating that they were determined tobe spam and were not sent. In addition, I have learned that people who sent meemails had them returned as undeliverable.
18. Why delivery is attempted to Dr.Richard.Cordero.Esq @gmail.comis most suspicious. I have not used that address since October 20, 2014,when Google disabled my account without any warning or opportunity to correctwhatever conduct of mine it could have alleged as the reason for thedisablement. The same was done with no explanation by Dropbox, which haddisabled my cloud storage account on September 22, 2014; Microsoft followedsuit with respect to my Hotmail account in December 2014.(ggl:1 et seq.) At the time, Microsoft and Dropboxwere still separate companies.
19. The disabling in short order by each of thosethree companies of my respective accounts with them was hardly coincidental(ggl:1). It justifies Note 1 below, where I requestthat the provided bloc of my current email addresses be used to send me emails.They are the default return addresses for emails that I send from thecorresponding email service provider.
20. Preventing emails from being sent or received constitutesan illegal interception of communications(ol:5a/fn13).When such prevention is undertaken to impede the dissemination of the ideas intheir contents, it also constitutes an illegal deprivation of the FirstAmendment ‘rights to freedom of speech, of the press, to assemble, and topetition the government for a redress of grievances’(jur:130fn268).
21. Those were some of the grounds invoked in myletter of complaint to the Verizon CEO(ol:371).
B. Solving the joinedwords and spam problems on behalfof We the People
22. I thank you in advance for any assistance thatyou can provide to keep the text of emails and articles as free of joinedwordsas when they are sent and to keep emails from and to advocates of honestjudiciaries from being blocked as spam or as undeliverable.
23. Your assistance will redound to the benefit ofall advocates, who are trying to join forces to effectively expose judges’wrongdoing to the national public. This is a most opportune time to assist: Weare in the midst of a presidential campaign, when We the People have the opportunity to hold accountable the verypoliticians who recommended, endorsed, nominated, and confirmed judicialcandidates and who since then protect wrongdoing judges as ‘their men and women on the bench’.
24. Can you imagine the intensity of the scandal ifthanks to your effort it were revealed that judges and third parties havecolluded to prevent the exercise of First Amendment rights of people criticalof them, and that politicians helped them do so or knew about it but looked theother way?(jur:88§§a-c) Politicians have a dutyto know about such conduct in order to protect from abuse of power the peoplethat they represent. They would know about it if they had with due diligenceexercised constitutional checks and balances(ol:160§B)on ‘their judges’ to ensure afundamental principle of our democracy: Nobody is Above the Law.
25. Therefore, your assistance will benefit We the People, who are the masters in‘government, not of men and women, but by the rule of law’(ol:5fn6). ThePeople are entitled to hold all their public servants, not onlypoliticians, but also judicial public servants, that is, judges, accountableand liable to compensate the victims of their wrongdoing. As a result of yourassistance, you may be nationally recognized by a grateful People as one of their Champions of Justice(ol:201§§J,K).
Dare trigger history(* >jur:7§5)…andyou may enter it.
NOTE:Eliminate the blank spaces in a link before clicking on it.
* ht  tp://Judicial- /DrRCorder  o-Honest_Jud_Advocate   s.pdf
Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City
ww   hard-cordero-esq/4b/  8ba/50/
NOTE 1: Given the interference with Dr. Cordero’semail and e-cloud storage accounts described at * >ggl:1 et seq., when emailing him, copy the above bloc ofhis email addresses and paste it in the To: line of your email so as to enhancethe chances of your email reaching him at least at one of those addresses.
NOTE 2: Listen to Dr. Cordero’s presentation onjudges’ wrongdoing and its exposure through a series of concrete, realistic,and feasible actions in the context of the presidential campaign, at:
NOTE:Eliminate the blank spaces in a link before clicking on it.
htt   p://Judicial-Discipline-Reform.or   g/frontpage/OL/DrRCord  ero_presentation_exposing_jud   ges_wrongdoing.mp3   
ht   tp://   1PctK5z
The outlineof the presentation is at * >ol:350:
* ht   tp://Judicial-Disci  rdero-Honest_Jud_Advoc   ates.pd   f
htt   p://   /1NkT7   D8
http   ://Judicial-Discipl   df
htt   p://Judicial-Discip   Cordero_jud_unaccountability_reporting.p   df
On 01/30/16, Pete Hendrickson<> wrote:
Dr. Cordero: First of all, are you aware that the "reply to" address with which your outgoing mail is equipped ( bounces back as a bad email address? One thing I have noted in all the time I have been getting correspondence from you is a constant problem of bad and/or constantly changing email addresses. Because of this persistent and very irritating problem, I am having to re-send what appears below which was first sent earlier today-- I hope that others getting it for the second time will forgive.

Regarding the chronic formatting problem which plagues your emails (and which REALLY is a problem, and MUST be fixed), I believe you need to start composing the emails in the email program with which you intend to send them. It appears that you are composing in a program format which is incompatible with the email program into whose message format you then try to paste your text.

Alternatively, you are using some truly obscure email program which uses non-html formatting, and thus is incompatible with most everyone else's email format, or have your format options with some strange line break (
) parameters selected.

I suggest using a standard email program such as Mozilla Thunderbird and composing your messages within that program.Or, at least, use only a widespread word processor such as MS Word or Open Office to compose with before copying and pasting into the T-bird message (you will still lose some formatting that way, but shouldn't have the problems you are having now).

-Pete Hendrickson

Visit and learn the individual-empowering and state-restraining truth about the income tax. Then spread it like your liberty depends on your effort (which it does)!
On 1/30/2016 1:48 AM, Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq. wrote:
Dear Mr. Blumberg and Advocates of Honest Judiciaries,
Thank you for your emails.
A. The need to read even the first line of an article before commenting on it
1. One should read the very first line of any article before commenting on it. In the emailed article, the first line was this:
Note: For some unknown reason, words in my emails appear joined. I cannot prevent it. I can only kindly ask that you overlook that glitch. If somebody has an idea why this is occurring, please let me know.
2. When a reader fails to read even the first line of an article, he or she loses his/her right to criticize anything that follows, because that failure raises the presumption that the reader likewise only skimmed over the article and, consequently, failed to put himself/herself in the knowledgeable position needed to engage in responsible critical commentary.
1. Incompatible character traits: He who wrote the article could not have been the same as he who was responsible for ‘joinedwords’
3. There is another more perceptive reason that should have advised caution before criticizing my article for having ‘joinedwords’, that is, words that are missing the blank space that should separate them:
4. A critical reader reads the article and notices that aside from 'joinedwords', the article exhibits:
a. superior formatting and structure, with a summarizing subject line, title, and headings; numbered paragraphs and subparagraphs; endnotes and references to supporting and additional materials; etc.; and
b. superior substance in that it shows sound reasoning, a realistic handling of the facts, capacity to strategize, concrete and feasible proposals, etc.
5. That critical reader would conclude that a writer who made the effort to write an article with such superior features would have neither committed so many times the same mistake of writing words without their separating blank space nor failed to run a spell checker on it. The former conduct is incompatible with the latter. The same person would not have engaged in both types of conduct.
6. Hence, the writer must be assumed to have run a spell checker. Thereafter, he emailed the article free of ‘joinedwords’. A glitch or malware must have caused such words to appear in the article while in transit or when it was being downloaded to the reader’s computer.
2. The use of joinedwords and the spam label to intercept communications between advocates of honest judiciaries
7. An insightful as well as critical reader would have noticed that the article aimed at exposing the wrongdoing of the most powerful officers in our country, namely, the mighty, lifetime tenured judges of the Federal Judiciary. As a result, that reader would have formulated a working hypothesis:
a. What if the joinedwords were caused by such officers or at their request by third parties to denigrate the credibility of the writer in the mind of the average reader and distract the reader from considering the officers’ wrongdoing?
8. In this vein, read the article concerning the blocking of communications between advocates of honest judiciaries by labeling their emails spam. It is found at page ol:374 of my study of judges and their judiciary, which is titled and downloadable as follows*:
Exposing Judges’ Unaccountability 
and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing:

Pioneering the news and publishing field 
of judicial unaccountability reporting
NOTE: Eliminate the blank spaces in a link before clicking on it.
* ht  tp://Judicial-  /DrRCorder   o-Honest_Jud_Advocates.pdf
or ht  tp:  //  1NkT7D8
or http://   /DrRCord  ero_jud_unaccountability   _reporting.pdf
If these links do not download the file in Internet Explorer, download either of the following browsers, install it, copy the first link above into the browser’s search box, and hit ‘Enter’. If the file, which has over 830 pages and is more than 57 MB in size, does not download, try using the other links and then the other browser:
In that file, all blue text superscript note and (parenthetical) references are active internal hyperlinks. By clicking on them, you can effortlessly bring up to your screen the referred-to supporting and additional information, thus facilitating substantially your checking it.
B. Turning the article and this email into an opportunity to join forces to achieve a constructive result: to expose judges’ wrongdoing and advocate judicial reform
9. I trust that if you know, you will share with me and all other advocates of honest judiciaries your knowledge of how to prevent joinedwords and how to bring the issue of judges’ wrongdoing discussed in the above-mentioned article(* >ol:362) to the attention of presidential candidates. If you do, your comment and my reply will have become constructive criticism and a way to expose any third party intercepting the communications of and among Advocates of Honest Judiciaries and the rest of We the People.
Dare trigger history(* >jur:7§5)…and you may enter it.
NOTE: Eliminate the blank spaces in a link before clicking on it.
* http:  //Judicial-Disc   ordero-Honest_Ju   d_Advocates.pdf
Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

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