Dear Readers;
Now to start off with, I can believe that in the Janie Thomas Estate case, the judge actually preferred to hand over this woman to have a guardian that has more complaints than Doans has pills, and yes, Doans pharmaceuticals made a lot of pills in its hey day.
But nevermind, that's exactly what the new judge in 1804 recently did. New judge, same as the old judge. So, is it in the water, or is it in the leather chair the judge sits in. I'm just wondering.
And of course, you can say on this blog, but Ms. Joanne, you're being so unfair, those judges are smart, they are doing their best, they don't want to harm an old debilitated senior citizen.
Right. I submit they know exactly what they are doing, there are agreements made far in advance, and no one--not a judge or probate attorney will deny that the following insulting and illegal policy isn't their official policy when they take over a case.
My only question is, they know who I am and what I do. Do they think that I would not publish this? And how many of you probate victims have not suffered under such an unfair and clearly illegal policy, but because it was issued by "THE GOVERNMENT", they get away with it. Left and right.
is absolutely inexcusable. Many of you have been through this. People work 9 to 5 weekdays. But these people are excluded. Hours are limited. Federal laws say elders must not be isolated--meaning if Janie wanted to see her family and the family wanted to see her, that HAS to happen.
Not so with the Illinois OPG. They don't want complaints. They do not want to be sued for abuse. So they artifically limit hours.
I sent an email to the OPG protesting this illegal policy, without response.
I hope you all will leave your comments and requests to post.
This abuse has to stop. Family members have a right to see their loved ones during visiting hours the nursing home sets--not the State of Illinois.
If Janie were broke, no one would care. But she has money. So the OPG issues this policy.
I am sorely disappointed.
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