Thursday, July 24, 2014

Keep the faith - Ken Ditkowsky

When my grandfather at the age of 9 immigrated to the United States the world believed that the streets of America were paved with gold.    Indeed, they were.   Opportunity abounded and all you needed for success was diligence, intelligence and hard work.   Self-reliance was their lodestone.   

Grandfather was little more than an indentured servant, sent by the immigrant organizations to North Dakota to either grow up and become a man or die.    When he was able he homesteaded land, and built himself a stake.   That stake blossomed into the success that we enjoy today.    When he ran into low lives such as we are encountering in our war against corruption that generation called them out and deal with them directly.  Today, we are more civilized and have to wait for law enforcement to enforce the law.    Using one’s fists to settle disputes is frowned upon and punished.

The conflict in Israel highlights the absurdity of modern society.    World class criminals who represent the nadir of society shoot rockets at Israeli population centers intending to kill and maim as many innocent civilians as possible and the United Nations investigates whether in attempting to eliminate the rockets Israel is violating the civil rights of the criminals.     In Illinois and other American states criminals (some with law degrees and wearing the robes of the Justice system) who are just as perfidious as those who vie to be mass murderers select out and prey on the elderly and disabled.     Once again, modern society finds it expedient to use its resources to attempt to stamp out resistance to those who oppose the War against the elderly and disabled.    

The transition that we find ourselves in today is not ‘evolution’ it is temporary loss of moral direction that will be corrected.   Even in my grandfather’s time the ‘road to hell was paved with good intentions.’     During the height of WW2 there were the Jerome Larkins, Adam Stern, Peter Schmiedels,  Cynthia Farengas, Miriam Solos *****.       Some were likable and obtained leadership positions in the fight against the Nazi and Communist horde who wished to enslave us all.   

As we are living in this world of elder cleansing our battle dominates and it is easy to lose perspective and direction.    It is also very difficult to keep focused on the big problem.     The big problem is corruption.    In our war the corruption is manifested not only in the quest for unearned remuneration, but, in protecting Judges and other public officials whose egos are so large that feel it an imposition to perform the services that they are paid.     The Evidence deposition of Judge Connors reveals a public official who could not be bothered to read the very statute that she was administering. (see Pages 89 to end).    Jerome Larkin’s responses to discovery, motions, and pleadings reveals a public official who has no moral compass and who will leave no stone unturned to aid and abet the wholesale violation of Human and Civil Rights.     In the form of the guardians and other court appointed officials is exhibited amoral individuals who prey on the weak, the elderly and the disabled.

At the top of the heap however are the real criminals.    They are the political elite and the business people who have developed fiefdoms in the health care industry.    The Rothner Deposition reveals the “Enron” type structure that allows billions of dollars to be diverted into the pockets of the aforesaid political elite et al.    The Omnicare, Hospice facility, ***** scandals reveal the tip of the iceberg.     The abusive guardianship scandal, while part of the big picture, reveals the billions of dollars of ‘side money’ that is diverted to the benefit of criminal enterprise and to the political campaigns of selected corrupt public officials.     (Gloria Sykes traced the campaign contributions of Farenga)

Fortunately, the cancer that we are facing is not metastatic.    It like all cancers is serious, but as you the blogs and note the ‘heart’ exhibited by each of the contributors you receive a tremendous sense of nostalgia - the American Spirit is not dead!    

Thus, today we call for law enforcement to do an intelligent HONEST complete and comprehensive investigation of elder cleansing and the War on the Elderly.    We call on law enforcement to honor the Constitution and prosecute the criminal element that corrupts our government diligently and forcibly.     As the 2014 election commences we call upon ourselves to not only vote intelligently (and against each of the miscreant public officials) but to not sit idly by and allow the vote fraud.     The idea that every single nursing home resident votes identically for the candidate that the nursing home operator favors is in my mind pure evidence of vote fraud.      The most diligent and dedicated public official can do nothing about criminal activity that he/she is not aware of!!     Just as you must report elder cleansing, other criminal enterprises similarly must be diligent reported.

During WW2 many soldiers were victims of incompetent leadership and pure stupidity of the people in command.    One navy officer (John D) was assigned to oversee a flight of warplanes.    He noticed that the runway that the flight was directed to ‘take off’ from was too short and complained.   The commander admonished him to just follow orders.    The first plane went airborne, but could not clear the trees and crashed.   So did the second!   John screamed over the radio ABORT!     He was summarily removed from his position.       He was court-martialed stripped of his commission and certain benefits.

After the war he sought review of the unjust punishment, and his version of Jerome Larkin sustained the decision of the court marital.     The deaths of the pilots was irrelevant.   The focus was on the fact that John had without authority countermanded an order given by a superior officer.      The injustice galled at John and he became obsessive in seeking to clear his name.     I met John in the mid- 1960’s.     He had invested a fortune in unsuccessfully addressing the wrongful action of the military and requested my help.   

I had no clout and the military made it very clear – the issue was closed.    Don Rumsfeld was a friend of one of the members of my Kiwanis Club and at lunch I related my tale of woe.     Mr. Rumsfeld subsequently became a member of Congress and he remembered the injustice.    John received his vindication.     Someone cared!     It took decades but *****.     Alice Gore, Mary Sykes ***** will also receive justice – sometime!
Ken Ditkowsky

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