Thursday, October 24, 2013

From KDD

Editor's note: This Shark still wonders why Mr. Larkin does not show his association with the Larkin Home on his CV? Lucius Verenus,  Schoolmaster,


From KDD

by jmdenison
 To: NASGA <>, probate sharks <>, "" <>, Harry Heckert <>, "" <>, j ditkowsky <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: Cook County States Attorney <>, Eric Holder <>, "" <>
Subject: Liability for violation of 42 USCA 1983, Tax Fraud, et al
Date: Oct 22, 2013 9:19 PM
Civil Rights and particular the First Amendment are core values of America.   People who attempt to deprive others of First Amendment Rights walk a very thin cord.   Public bodies (including the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission =ARDC) are not exempt of protected from the onus of violation of the First Amendment Rights of citizens.   Indeed, officials including attorneys must respect the core rights of citizens or suffer some very severe consequences.

Just like the policeman who beats a suspect, the bureaucrat who misuses his position to 'cover up' elder cleansing, racial cleansing, ethnic cleansing etc has to account both in the civil sector and the criminal sector.   There is absolutely no excuse for a lawyer to not know the Rule of Law as decreed by the Supreme Court of the United States.  

Many citizens have inquired as to how come the IARDC has not prosecuted the miscreant lawyers such as those who have surfaced in the Sykes and Gore cases.   certainly there have been many complaints filed against them.   Everyone knows that Gloria Sykes, the Coopers, Schwartz etc have filed detailed complaints.   Pursuant to Himmel I have personally written the IARDC as I believe that when Mary Sykes' safety deposit box was 'looted' it was unconscionable that the two guardian ad litem refused to report this situation to the Court.    The fact that the person who removed the gold coins did not deny (and has not denied) the theft was significant.   Only the two guardian ad litem and an assorted ARDC attorney were active in denying a fact that everyone knew was a fact.

Thus, how come JoAnne Denison and yours truly are in the 'dock' for demanding an Honest complete and comprehensive investigation.   Yes, I came to the same conclusion as you.   It is my opinion that the attempt to 'shut up' both Ms. Dension and me is a violation of 42 USCA 1983, the public policy of the State of Illinois and is without jurisdiction and therefore a clearly ultra vires act.   Pursuant to Himmel this has been reported by me to the Commission which did nothing.   Saying they did nothing is not actually accurate.  An ARDC attorney wrote me to report to me that Mr. Adam Stern had been appointed Gloria Sykes' guardian ad litem.   (This report became a typo 17 days later, but no investigation followed!)

In my opinion the conduct of the IARDC is aiding and abetting the 'elder cleansing' of Mary Sykes.   It is also aiding the person who breached her fiduciary relationship to Mary Sykes avoid having to pay the United States of America and the State of Illinois the income taxes that are due.   As no=one has been delegated the right to monitor, impede, censor, otherwise interfere with my, Ms Dension or other citizen's First Amendment Rights Mr. Larkin and every member of his staff involved has acted in an ultra vires manner acting under color of authority to deny and/or interfere with our civil rights.   As there has been and can be no delegation there can be no immunity!   Read the words of 42 USCA 1983.

I am certain that the United States of America and the Illinois Department of Revenue are delighted by the 'cover' that Mr. Larkin and the Commission have afforded the people who obtained benefits from the profits of their 'elder cleansing' and did not report and did not pay taxes on the benefits.   Tax evasion and aiding tax evasion historically has not been an accepted practice and I assume that with trillions of dollars in deficits the elder cleansing industry will ultimately have to pay its 'fair share!' 

It is my hope that I have answered the questions that have been presented.   I do not know if and when Law enforcement is going to address this 'elder cleansing' issue.    I do know that the law and basic civil rights are being violated and we need not only transparency but we need an HONEST complete and comprehensive investigation of not only the lawyers involved in elder cleansing but those who aid and abet them.   (I've again copied the ARDC, but having first hand experience I have little hope that they are interested in protecting the public.  The miscreants are safe to continue to prey on the old, infirm, and those citizens who are being targeted.   The removal of Mrs. Gore's gold filings is a testament to perfidy that has been allowed to flourish. )
For the record, JoAnne Denison received word that the Commission desires to obtain a delay in her hearing before an ARDC panel.   It is my opinion that if the ARDC operates under any guise of 'good faith' the charges brought against her should be dismissed and she provided suitable restitution for the ultra vires interference with her civil rights. 
Ken Ditkowsky
jmdenison | October 24, 2013 at 2:26 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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