Thursday, October 24, 2013

51% Favor Delaying Individual Mandate, 34% Oppose

Just over half of U.S. voters still want to delay the requirement that everyone must have health insurance, but support for delaying that mandate is down, despite the ongoing problems with government exchange websites set up to provide health insurance. Read More 
Following the short-term deal to end the partial government shutdown, voters are more concerned than ever that the federal government will not do enough responding to the weak economy. But most continue to believe spending cuts are the best move the government can make. Read More  
What America Thinks

The partial government shutdown may be over, but voters aren't convinced Congress will agree on a long-term deal to avoid the next one.  Watch the video now.
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Noon Eastern: 47% Usually Go to Work Sick, 44% Stay Home
3 p.m. Eastern: 66% of Americans Feel High School Graduates Lack Skills for College or Job

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