Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New book exposes guardianship abuse and how judges, lawyers steal your money

New book exposes guardianship abuse and how judges, lawyers steal your money

Guardianship: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money is a recently-released book offering a practical view of the growing issue of guardianship abuse. Author Michael Larsen aptly characterizes his book as about “lies, chemical restraints, theft, torture and pre-meditated murder committed by judges, lawyers, guardians and other professionals throughout the United States on a daily basis.”
And he’s right.
Also correct is his assertion that “the crime of professional guardianship fraud is deeply entrenched in our legal system” thus creating a fertile environment in which judges, lawyers and associated personnel can easily hijack personal liberties while redistributing hard-earned assets away from rightful property owners.
This hideous practice is far more widespread than the unsuspecting public realizes. It’s easier to become a target than a naive public wants to believe. And once entrapped in one of these actions, happy endings are few and far between.
In Guardianship, Larsen sets the stage with anecdotal accounts of abusive guardianship actions. Accounts of specific cases, however, rarely illustrate the full, often coordinated and cooperative effort unleashed on targeted individuals. Larsen importantly takes the reader further into the issue by providing context of the systemic corruption – and yes, it might sound conspiratorial, but truth is often stranger than fiction – that occurs and even details the threats faced in attempting to fight these rackets.
Estate of Denial® came into existence nearly a decade ago to help fill the void of responsible reporting on abusive actions that occur via probate instruments including guardianships as well as wills, trusts and powers of attorney. While the stories are heartbreaking, understanding the legal industry’s use of contrived disputes and other identifiable mechanics in the perpetration of this corruption is critical for anyone seriously interested in the issue. These actions occur nationwide. Whether in a probate, family or surrogate court, a familiar playbook quickly emerges. State laws may vary, but the abuses have notable similarities.
The property poachers and other abusers know how things work. You, the public, rarely do. People think these actions won’t happen to them – they don’t have enough money to become a target or their “proper estate planning” will provide protection. And while this planning is absolutely critical, it’s no inoculation from disgruntled family members, wannabe heirs or unscrupulous attorneys (maybe even one who drew up your estate plan).
Coupling overviews of abusive actions with a compilation of media reports and sharp analysis of his own, Larsen lays out this growing threat to both civil liberties and property rights.
Guardianship abuse is a looming danger in today’s American landscape. Being unaware, however, creates even bigger danger. Guardianship: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money is an eye-opening read that shouldn’t be missed.
Lou Ann Anderson is an information activist.  A former contributor at Watchdog Arena and Raging Elephants Radio, she writes and speaks on a variety of public policy topics. She additionally addresses the growing issue of probate abuse as the Creator and Online Producer at Estate of Denial®, a web site that “shines light on the dark side of estate management” by providing news, analysis and commentary regarding probate corruption and estate abuse cases. Lou Ann’s columns can also be found at

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