Sunday, January 10, 2016

As you get older...

As you get older you tend to look back rather than forward and you start to examine the roots of your bias.   As a Cub fan I was drawn to the underdog.   I loved being on the bigger and stronger team when I played, but, when I watched I silently cheered for those weak sisters who had little chance of winning.

As I grew older I realized that trying to hold back the waters of time and keeping my finger in the dike was not of a losing proposition but sapped my strength - so I could not do it all the time.   Here in Chicago the best I could do was to keep my own nose clean and try to 'do the right thing.'    For most of my career it worked; however the end came after fifty plus years of struggle.    As the small cadre of friends I had died off, I was perceived as vulnerable.   

Believing that I would not or could not fight the Sykes case miscreants went after me with the 18 USCA 371 conspirators.   I won the first round, but they went after me in round 2.    That fight resulted in their removing my law license, but not my teeth.   I am testing the adage - "the pen is mightier than the sword."   I am also testing to find out if America's core values are more than naked words on paper.    

Does the law apply to all - honestly and equally?    JoAnne's blog was equated to yelling fire in a crowded theater!    All she did was exercise her First Amendment Right and exposed corruption.   On the world stage, Hamas fires missiles from school buildings filled with children and Israel gets condemned by the UN for killing civilians and children.   In our City a teen is shot 16 times by a policeman, the entire city counsel approves the funds to be used for the 'cover up' and the solons who approved the money march in protest of the payment of the bribe that they approved!   

On the National level, a man whose word is worth zero is leading in the pols to become a candidate for president, and he will be matched against a woman whose word is worth zero and is under investigation for recent criminal activity.    The latest article highlights:

 Politics. Explained.

Smoking Gun: Email Suggests Hillary Broke Law

Clinton instructed an aide to remove the classification marking from information, a federal offense

The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department earlyFriday contain what may be the smoking gun that forces the Justice Department to charge the former secretary of state with a crime, according to former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova.
“This is gigantic,” said diGenova. “She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an unencrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime. It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself.”
On the June 17, 2011, email chain with senior State Department adviser Jake Sullivan, Clinton apparently asked Sullivan to change the marking on classified information so that it is no longer flagged as classified.
Clinton, using her private email server, asks for “the TPs,” apparently a reference to talking points being prepared for her. Sullivan, who is using his official State Department email, responds, “They say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.” Clinton responds, “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w[ith] no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”
It’s not clear if Sullivan actually followed through on Clinton’s orders. But if he did, it may expose Clinton to serious legal jeopardy.
“This makes it impossible for the bureau not to recommend charges,” diGenova said of the FBI. “This makes it impossible not to go forward, and it certainly ties the hand of the attorney general.”
Some have speculated that while the FBI may recommend charges, Attorney General Loretta Lynch might try to avoid doing so for political reasons.
The revelation also appears to put the lie to Clinton’s claim that she never handled classified information on her server.
“I did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time,” she has claimed. By instructing her aide to send her material marked classified, it is clear that she not only may have received classified information, but that it was indeed “classified at the time.”
“This means that when she said, ‘I never received anything marked classified,’ she in fact did,” diGenova said.
David Bossie, president of the watchdog group Citizens United, said the email could become the emblem of Hillary’s email scandal.

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