Thursday, October 30, 2014

ARDC letter of Oct. 27, 2014 re: Estate of Alice R. Gore



October 27, 2014

Attn. Mr. Jerome Larkin


Sent via FAX 312-565-2320

Re: Estate of Alice R. Gore, deceased, a 99 year old disabled ward of
the Probate Court of Cook County #06-P-482

Dear Mr. Larkin, Ms. Guzman, Immediate Supervisor

Responding to your letter of Oct. 17, 2014, please direct your attention regarding
two instances that I believe the law supports as felonies and have been
discussed in open court in the Probate Court of Cook County. (There are
many more incidents reported that are criminal in nature.)

All the attorneys, GALs and judges sited in my previous IARDC complaints
were aware of these crimes and either participated, acted in concert, or are
part of a cover-up. No new issues are required at this time. My discussion of these crimes in previous letters and contact with you, the IARDC, to investigate these and other activities by attorneys that are compelled by state and federal law to report, but did not and particular the following:

1. The theft, suppression, forgery and concealment of the16 annuity checks payable to
my mother, Alice R. Gore.

2. The opening of two safety deposit boxes owned by Alice R. Gore and allegedly containing
over 80 lbs. of antique silver coins. Judge Kawamoto ordered the now deceased Mr. Trausch and GAL Martin to investigate the history and events of the two safety deposit boxes. The response of the late Mr. Trausch was that the boxes, "were owned by others". These coins were never
inventoried to my mother’s estate and allegedly are considered stolen. No proof was ever demanded by the court of inventory, ownership or transfer of the ownership of the boxes.

I have reason to believe that the legal participants in mother’s estate are directly or
indirectly involved with the Nursing Home Cartel. These court appointed officials (by Judge Kawamoto) including law firms representing a guardian of my mother, Alice, have financial and political interests in nursing homes. There appears to be an obvious paucity of investigations by the IARDC of probate matters. Attorneys involved with Illinois probate have disproportionately less investigations considering the vast quantity of complaints. It appears your august body may be protecting these probate miscreants. This is a reasonable and fair conclusion.

I am forwarding this letter along with your response letter of 10-17-2014 to various law enforcement agencies, political officials, candidates and other interested parties. Please direct
to me the responses of the complained parties mentioned in your letter of 10-17-2014. For your information my mothers estate was closed in June, 2013 and I have never received statement of final dispersal!




Beverly A. Cooper, daughter of Alice R. Gore


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