Friday, August 15, 2014

This is one of the most articulate and well thought out statements concerning elder cleansing that I've seen. It is worth reading. It is also worth forwarding.

Editor's note: The leadership of the ARDC  reminds this Shark of the gland within the Frankenstein Monster that filters out the taint of evil before it reaches the Monster's brain.  Thus, the evil is rendered palatable to the unsuspecting and honest among us and is allowed to continue its misdeeds.  Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster,

This is one of the most articulate and well thought out statements concerning elder cleansing that I've seen.    It is worth reading.    It is also worth forwarding.

"We have to address this National problem as it is eating away at our core values.    People who aid and abet the criminal conduct (felony) of elder cleansing are just as guilty as the miscreants doing the deed.    Mr. Larkin of the Illinois ARDC and his assault on the Bill of Rights is in the same category as the 9/11 attack and the 12/7/41 attack on Pearl Harbor as his attack is more subtle and under color of his political office.   Hamas, the National Socialists, the Communists, and other terror groups could never win an election in the United States of America!   Or can they?   Or do they have to in order to destroy our republic?

The answer is they do not have to as Larkin and his ilk are protecting a cancer that is preying on our elderly and our disabled citizens.      Larkin is so bold that he openly and notoriously is attempting to intimidate Attorney JoAnne Denison and get her to cease and desist from disclosing the elder cleansing frauds perpetrated by Judicial officials and their appointees!     Larkin is aware of 47 USCA 230.   He is aware of the First Amendment.    He is aware of Article 1 section 4 of the Illinois Constitution.   Indeed, he is aware of the Rule of Law as set forth by the Supreme Court of the United States -  YET NOT ONLY DOES HE CONSIDER HIMSELF ABOVE THE LAW, BUT HE IGNORES IT AND CONTINUES TO USE STATE OF ILLINOIS MONEY FOR HIS PAROCHIAL AIMS.      I understand that he is using lawyers whose salaries are paid by the State of Illinois to defend him in lawsuits that he is named personally as a defendant.

Unfortunately Larkin is not alone in his Felony. "  
Ken Ditkowsky

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