Editor's note: Ken Ditkowsky believes this is a Greylord type of conspiracy. Your ProbateShark agrees with Ken, but adds that this also a "Madoff" type of conspiracy transcending and overshadowing the legal, financial and law enforcement communities of America. Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster, ProbateSharks.com
by jmdenison |
-----Original Message-----
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Dec 8, 2013 6:48 AM
To: " zamirkatan@aol.com" , " acluofillinois@aclu-il.org" , " ACLU@ACLU.ORG" , NASGA , probate sharks , Jo Anne Denison , Martha Jantho , Harry Heckert , j ditkowsky , SUNTIMES , Chicago Tribune , " tips@elderabuseexposed.com" , " tips@cbschicago.com" , Janet Phelan , Eric Holder , matt senator kirk , Cook County States Attorney
Subject: (a-7) A person making a report under this Act in the belief that it is in the alleged victim's best interest shall be immune from criminal or civil liability or professional disciplinary action on account of making the report, notwithstanding any requirements concerning the confidentiality of information with respect to such eligible adult which might otherwise be applicable.
The 'cottage industry' of elder cleansing is alive and well even though the Legislature of the State of Illinois has made it very clear that the public policy of the State abhors and condemns it. 735 ILCS 110/5 has been enacted to make it very clear that Illinois will not tolerate anyone impeding or otherwise interfering with the free flow of ideas and citizen rights protected by Article One of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 and the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The survival of the criminal enterprise created by the elder cleansers and most other criminal enterprises depends upon the attornment of public officials temporarily in power and the suppression of the First Amendment Rights of all who oppose the enterprise and especially the Lawyers.
In the Greylord case wherein 15 sitting judges were sent to prison for corruption (and many more were forced to resign) stands as a beacon. Elder Cleansing as exemplified by the Sykes case 09 P 4585, Gore, Wyman, and dozens more are stark examples of the three elements that compose the crime of elder cleansing, to wit: railroad a senior citizen into a guardianship,abuse and financially exploit the senior, and finally aid the senior into an involuntary assisted suicide. (Mary Sykes is now in phase 3)
I am proud to have joined with Attorney JoAnne Denison, some other lawyers have and/or speaking out against judicial attornment and fostering of Elder cleansing. As we enter into the Christmas Season (the season that Americans celebrate 'good will' and 'fellowship') it saddens me that I am receiving many communications from people all over America crying out their loved ones are being victimized by elder abuse and our public officials are so impotent to address crimes against humanity that stain our very souls. Mary Sykes has been isolated from her two elderly siblings and her younger daughter so completely that efforts at finding her, much less communicating with her, are impossible. Bev Cooper and others recall who Alice Gore was spirited away and it took weeks to discover that she had died. The avarice of the elder cleansers was so obscene that Ms. Gore's teeth had been mined for the gold that were contained therein.
Yes, Mr. Larkin, Ms. Farenga, Ms Solo, Mr. Schmiedel, Mr. Stern and all who are alleged to have participated and/or who stand accused of aiding and abet elder cleansing I am proud to openly oppose the interference under color of law with the Civil Rights of Mary Sykes and all the senior citizens who are similarly situated. And yes, even though it appears the words of the Illinois legislature are impotent and the protections afforded by statute, to wit:
(a-7) A person making a report under this Act in the belief that it is in the alleged victim's best interest shall be immune from criminal or civil liability or professional disciplinary action on account of making the report, notwithstanding any requirements concerning the confidentiality of information with respect to such eligible adult which might otherwise be applicable. 320 ILCS 20/4
are impotent. (If you have been wrongfully accused, let me extend my hand to once again for the umpteenth time to invite you to join in the cry for an HONEST complete and comprehensive investigation of all of the elder cleansing charges starting with Sykes)
Even though Ms. Denison and I have little protection from the attacks on our professional standing and reputations, I and many more citizens (including lawyers) will continue our fight to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the State of Illinois. The ultra vires disciplinary proceedings brought under color of statute in attempt to suppress the exposure and abhorrence to the elder abuse and financial exploitation that is fostered by a small group of the political elite temporarily in power yields bitter fruit, but, the American Spirit will prevail. An ARDC lawyer asked me several dozen times during cross examination if I was repentant - let me answer once against: ABSOLUTELY NOT! I and many just like me will not attorn to elder cleansing or any other obviously wrongful program no matter who supports and fosters it.
The Rule of Law has been made clear by the recent Supreme Court of the United States cases - government cannot impede or regulate speech. It is believed that the Illinois Supreme Court will attorn and make a strong statement; however, it is important that we have more than statements! Talk is cheap. While the choir get bigger Mary Sykes and hundreds of senior citizens are being subjected to 'elder cleansing' and in this holiday season are being isolated from their families, friends, and those who love them. The Sykes case is just one example! How does this tragic situation prevail in America?
Merry Christmas! We ought to be ashamed!
Ken Ditkowsky
From Joanne:
I still want to know how and why the Naperville police were able to destroy a video of Gloria visiting with Mary on June 22, 2013 which clearly shows 1) Mary was lucid and about 90% competent; 2) she had not been told her home was sold and 3) her hair was unkempt, her bottom teeth (partial) was missing and 4) her teeth were clearly dirty.
I don't understand why when I faxed the Naperville police they have not fixed that video though it has been posted and shared for months, and their actions were clearly wrongful and unconstitutional.
Further, their report does not mention if Adam Stern told or requested Officer Krakow to ask everyone to delete pictures on cell phones at the nursing home. We protested. We told the officer that these were important pictures and video and yet he demanded it and said otherwise we "would not be cooperating" in his investigation.
We still do not have those questions answered, nor has the video been fixed and reposted in comment.
The shennanigans in the Sykes case continue unimpeded and uninvestigated.
It was never investigated either how Harry Tyler's $9 million disappered between his death and the guardianization of Lydia Tyler 3 years later, despite the efforts of some family members who had evidence of the bank accounts.
It has never been investigated why Dominic Spera was locked out of his bank accounts for months, rendering him homeless, it was never invetigated why Wyman and Sykes have continued on in court proceedings for 3 years or more without jurisdiction and the appellate courts do nothing.
Many, many questions and answers of elder abuse, but no answers.
The ARDC will ask me if I am sorry I publish this and contact the authorities. When I tell the authorities that the IARDC wants me to take down this blog and stop reporting corruption, they just chuckle.
So which is it? All the funny stuff at the IARDC and lack of honest investigations or advice from the uncorrupted authorities? I'll clearly take the later.
Sooner or later the lies catch up.
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