Saturday, October 26, 2013

From KDD–He asks how much courage do you need to fight all of this trouble

From KDD–He asks how much courage do you need to fight all of this trouble

by jmdenison
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Oct 26, 2013 7:50 AM
To: ""
Subject: Blog
The First Amendment is a core value of American culture, and the Amendment is the first to be attacked by those who wish to take our freedom from us.   In the past half century there have been numerous attacks by our political leaders on the First Amendment.  Recently the left leaning political types attempted to use the IRS to silence the 'tea party.'  The clout heavy criminals who promulgate the enterprise and cottage industry of 'elder cleansing' are using the lawyer disciplinary boards to silence lawyers who stand in their way of abusing and exploiting seniors.
Few individuals want to stand up to the entrenched political types.   Even fewer are willing to put their own reputations and well being on the line and be counted.   It is easy to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks and be part of the 'mob' but it not easy to stand up and go face to face with those in authority who are assaulting our core values.   The political types are much more attractive than you and I.  Hate, avarice, and a 'fast buck' are much easier to sell than hard work, diligence, and doing the right thing without even the remote possibility of reward.
With your blog you have done exactly that, and provided the families of the victims of elder cleansing with a forum for exercise of their First Amendment Rights.   Read [entity 1]  letter to [agency] by [entity]  that is attached to the letter that I wrote yesterday.   She is terrified that the Probate Sharks blog will stir an Honest investigation of her part in elder cleansing.   Similarly [numerous entities] and others have expended great energy in getting [entity] and the [agency] to attempt to silence attorneys who contribute to the NASGA including you and me.
When brute force fails to silence and destroy First Amendment Rights then one by one each opponent is approached by advocates of the assault on the First Amendment and we are confronted by people who suggest to us that our own best interests are served by just a concession.   Some of the people who appear as advocates are sincere and some are acting in concert with the miscreants.
Self interest is a powerful force, and it is a legitimate force.   Being foolish, being stubborn, or committing professional Suicide is not a respected method of solving a problem.   It is always better to in a proper situation to retreat and come back to fight another day than to get destroyed.
Last night I watched you address this scenario and was impressed by the solution that you reached.   The decision took great courage.   More importantly the decision set an example for your family and friends.   I say this not because I took the same tack, but because I know what it is to stand up for principle and have to take the consequences of the decision.
I applaud your decision to stand four square for your Rights as a Citizen of the United States of America and the rights that we all share that are America's core values.
Ken Ditkowsky
jmdenison | October 26, 2013 at 3:05 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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