Monday, October 28, 2013

From KDD – more witness tampering and obstruction of justice by [an agency]

From KDD – more witness tampering and obstruction of justice by [an agency]

by jmdenison
From: kenneth ditkowsky
Sent: Oct 27, 2013 6:39 AM
To: Janet Phelan , ""  , Cook County [agency] , [agency] , Harry Heckert , "" , "" , "" , "" , Edward Carter
Subject: Re: Why don't
Every judicial scandal has certain elements.   Certain lawyers appear to be 'bag men' and other influence brokers.    Greylord exposed the pattern in vivid detail.   Certain fixers always stand out.   There is a book that came out in the late 1990's that I believe was called the "Jewish Mafia" that exposed the Arvey, Hodes, group.  This group subsequently moved to California and became associated with the movie industry.
Similar pattern is appearing in the 'elder cleansing scandal except the problem seems to be franchised.   To date I have not found a Mr. Big or Mrs. Big.    What I've discovered is franchises that are doled out to individuals.    For instance, the F estate in Florida fits the pattern.   The entity] franchise in the Sykes case fits the pattern.  ([entity] attempt to grab Gloria Sykes' insurance money is a clue).    The [entity] in Gore also fits the pattern, especially with Alice Gore being placed in an Esformes nursing home.   The mining of Gore's teeth for the Au is an example of the greed!
I do not believe that [entity] is a big player in Illinois.   His name comes up frequently so his involvement is set in stone.   The [entities] who frequently are used to sign the certificates of incompetency are  rote players.    Similarly, the [agency] [entities] who act in concert with the miscreants do not appear to be major actors.
In my case the incidents with Dr. Patel and the testimony of Dr. Patel illustrate the 'catch as catch can' approach of the attorneys who aid and abet the miscreants.    As you are aware that prior to filing a lawsuit the Courts require that the attorney have sufficient information to certify that the complaint is not frivolous.   Thus, to find out the facts I wrote a FRCP 11 letter to Dr. Patel.
Seizing on the 'any port in a storm' approach [entity] and his co conspirators attempted to create a 'catch 22'.     They and their aiders and abeters took the position that doing a FRCP investigation of any case in which the elder cleansers had targeted was unethical.    In a captive environment apparently such has some appeal.
The [agency][entity] apparently was directed to create the illusion that the FRCP 11 letter was intimidating as it asked the question of how the same patient could be to one doctor able to speak and understand everything and to [entity] she was a stone.     What the miscreants did not want to be revealed was the fact that dozens if not hundreds of victims were railroaded in guardianships in the same manner and there was a franchise set up to obtain medical opinions that suited the miscreants.   Gloria in her pro-se examination of a [entity] had him admit that he was giving his professional opinion without ever meeting Mary Sykes!
 Dr. Patel had no stake in the effort to shut me up and therefore he was disinterested.   Pressing on in their efforts to silence me, the [agency-entity] made secret contact with Patel and told him what she wanted him to say and even sent him documents.   (In discovery she did not disclose her prior contact or her communication with Patel; however, during her aborted attempt to create the facade that in an effort to obtain justice Dr. Patel was to testify by telephone, she inadvertently disclosed the contact).
Patel was brought into the hearing and he was never asked if he was intimidated.   Larry brought out the fact that Patel received the communication and did not respond to it, but merely placed it in the file.   The attempted subordination of perjury failed!    (I assume that when an Honest complete and comprehensive investigation is completed this fiasco will come back to haunt the young attorney how was assigned this task.)
Greylord was a great teacher.   It taught the miscreant leader to stay under cover.    The Rothner deposition in the Northshore case gives a clue to the MO.   The MO of Enron is refined and cleverly executed.    Little by little the government is unwinding the web but these are very clever and smart people.   Their fingers are in everything and their time table very well thought out.
In short the 'elder cleansing' portion of this scandal is just one of the cancers that has infected our society.    It is part of a much larger scandal but it is very real and very difficult for the families who fall victim to the avarice of the miscreants.    Your research into the [agency] reveals that the tentacles reach into that organization and instead of doing their job to protect the public, they waste public money in protecting the foot soldiers who do the dirty work for the 'elder cleansers!'    [I'll have Larry segregrate the Patel testimony on Monday and send you both sessions - it is very revealing.]
Once again - thank you for taking the time to do an expose of 'elder cleansing' in Illinois and exposing the underbelly of the [agency].    I've copied law enforcement as to this e-mail as what we have is a National Problem and it is the duty of every citizen to assist and co-operate with every HONEST complete and comprehensive investigation of 'elder cleansing' and to keep calling for HONEST complete and comprehensive investigations until our disabled and senior citizens can go into our courts and not fear to be victimized by the 'judicial officials!'
Ken Ditkowsky
jmdenison | October 27, 2013 at 8:13 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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