Thursday, February 28, 2013

And the breaking news from the ARDC today is…..

And the breaking news from the ARDC today is…..

by jmdenison
Not very exciting. They basically spend taxpayers dollars to tell me they won't email anything and they don't have efiling. As you are aware, I also asked them for some time to chat about the case and get some information from them, but their letter seems to imply they're not much interested in that.
See the letter below
and my and Ken's reponse is below.
Dear Jessica and Sharon;
I sent a copy of my email to Ken, and he suggested the below, and you know he's right, so I'm adopting that too as my response to your letter.
He thinks I should make it clear the two of you need to write up a complaint against yourselves for not investigating Mary Sykes who has been deprived of her liberty, property, human rights, civil rights and deserves to go back home and live with Gloria as she had for 10 years. The missing funds should also be investigated. There is a money trail you know. It's all on the blog and I know Gloria has sent the ARDC numerous complaints only to have them end up in the huge vortex of ARDC circular files. John Wyman I know has sent complaints to the ARDC, or I have for him.
I also have to add in Carol Wyman and Katherine Spera and atty Sharon Rudy and atty Kim Timmerwilke McKenzie who know these case are without jurisdiction.
Did you get John Wyman's book? I knew right away when I read that book there was jurisdiction because the hearing was to be on 7-9-09 but on 7-6-09 the hearing was set to that same day, without notice to anyone and Powel Wyman, a known abuser was appointed Guardian. Amazing, utterly amazing.
Dominic Spera's complaint will be forthcoming soon as we determine the massive damage Sharon Rudy has foisted upon him and his family, and poor Katherine Spera most of all who sits in a nursing home where she never wanted to be.And yet the ARDC does nothing about it.
I hope and pray someday the ARDC will take these horror stories of deprivation of liberty, property, human rights and civil rights seriously. These are not just the elderly, frail and infirm but they are human beings whose rights should never have been violated in the first place.

Dear ____,
The Illinois ARDC has a mission to address unethical conduct on the part of attorneys. This mission arose to a great extent out of the Greylord era wherein a large number of 'judicial officials' and others were tried and convicted of serious crimes while the mechanism for protecting the public failed.
The mandate to the ARDC was not to 'lord it over' the members of the legal profession, but to protect the Rights, Privileges and Immunities of All citizens. As you are totally aware my blog is 99.9% accurate, however, the pleadings that you have filed are misleading and unethically attempt to deny me my Rights, Privileges and Immunities. It is obvious that if you did a scintilla of investigation you would have determined that the 'so called' "judicial officials" have for more than 3 years denied a 'senior citizen' of her liberty and property rights. Indeed, you would have ascertained the jurisdictional requirement of 11a -10(f) has not been complied with and as determined by the Supreme Court of Illinois the 'judicial officials' have been appointed by a Court lacking jurisdiction.
Let me respectfully suggest to you that pursuant to my Himmel responsibility let this letter be a formal complaint against both of you for not informing the panel when you knew or should have known that the jurisdictional criterion of 755 ILCS 5/11a et seq, and in particular 5/11a - 10 had not been following. The 'games playing' of nitpicking my discovery request is interesting but just compounds the unethical behavior. The unethical conduct of attempting to deny me my First Amendment Rights is repulsive and abhorrent.
Mr.Ditkowsky on my behalf as filed with the Illinois Supreme Court a motion for a supervisory order. The rationale for this motion is very simple - This is the United States of America and last I heard there were some basic propositions that were in full force and effect i.e. you are I are equal before the law, and I have an absolute right to complain and speak out against the evil of a 90 year old lady being sequestered in the home of a person she appropriate claimed to have abused her so that she (Mary Sykes) could be denied her liberty and property by order of a Court that lacks jurisdiction. I as an America have a right to speak out and 'blog' to the public this act of terrorism by the "judicial officials' who were appointed by a Court lacking jurisdiction.
Simply put - if you have evidence that my blog is untruthful - let's see it. If you have no evidence as a public employee having a fiduciary relationship to the public admit your error and dismiss this obscene disciplinary action.
Ken Ditkowsky
Dear Jessica;
I just got you snail mail letter today and please confirm that there is nothing else you have sent me since the last pleading I received which I believe was (gotta check those scans) your motion to strike discovery.
The reason why I ask and I have to use email is basically our postal lady I think is blind and walks very slow with a limp. I think she has trouble with our building because she has to walk up 5 stairs. She's real nice and all, but she does skip days and she often puts the mail in the wrong slot, which wouldn't normally be a problem, except for the fact that some of the tenants in our building are architects and we have Claire Simon here and many of them are either out of town for days, or they only work a few days a week. I'm sure she has a family to feed and all so I don't want to complain about her because she's nice. But statistics are that 95% of the mail gets delivered in 5 days and the rest is unknown as to where that goes.
So please do not depend on my mail because you will be sorely disappointed.
Since I do patent work and deal with high tech companies and inventors most of the time, 95% of my correspondence is via email so I don't have a problem with the mail situation in my building.
Also, I am adopting Ken's Discovery because I think he did a really good job and he is a wonderful, wonderful lawyer. Don't you agree?
Let me know if you want me to file a formal appearance with respect to that Motion to Strike so the discovery can get done.
I can redo the part about not having the warning. Do you really want that?
Of course, if you request it, I can snail mail your stuff. But I hate it when attys tell me (and this happens more frequently than one might think) "I didn't get it" and then it's a do over and everything gets pushed back. Arrrrgh.
Besides all of this email and efiling will be coming any day now, I'm sure so we all have to be prepared and Johnny on the Spot (or is that Jane on the Spot too since 1972 and the EEOC!)
Hmm, just wondering.
So, just let me know. And I'm also looking forward to a little chat about this case with you ladies soon, so let me know when we can do a little coffee or tea talk.
And I am looking for a new attorney specializing in First Amendment rights, I send out about 20 emails a day but so far NSL. Most just respond and have a few words (or paragraphs) about your complaint I will not repeat here. Some cannot be published. I also have received quite a few phone calls, but no takers yet on the rep thing. I will let you know first thing though.
thanks and take care and have a blessed day
cc: MaryGSykes blog
jmdenison | March 1, 2013 at 1:24 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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