Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Judges Commit Crimes

Why Judges Commit Crimes

Thursday, 01 September 2011 22:29 William M. Windsor . .

Lord Acton, a historian and moralist, said this in 1887: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

What we have here in Fulton County Georgia are judges with no accountability. They have taken the law into their own hands, and they have absolute power, and it has absolutely corrupted them. I believe the story is similar all over the country.

This isn’t a Democrat or Republican thing; this is non-partisan. These people are all dishonest and have been for many years.

It is possible that there is bribery. Judge Michael Ciavarella in Pennsylvania was just sentenced to 28 years in prison for accepting $1.5 million in bribes from the owner of a private prison. Ciavarella and fellow Judge Michael Conahan sent kids to prison for cash.

It is clear that big law firms have a “special relationship” with the judges. Whether there is money involved or not in Atlanta, I do not yet know.

Attorneys will not pursue dishonest judges because they cannot risk their careers. Attorneys tell me that their career would be dead if they even handled a civil case against federal judges.

The news media is similarly afraid of the judges. An investigative reporter with the Atlanta Journal & Constitution wanted to write the story of what I have uncovered, but she took it to her boss, and she was told she couldn’t. The judges have tyrannical power, and the paper would not risk it. Recently, investigative reporter Mark Winne with Channel 2 in Atlanta was in the lobby when I was trying to get to meet with the Grand Jury, and when he found out what I was doing, he disappeared.

We now have an entire branch of the federal government that “self-polices” acting in any inept, corrupt manner they choose without fear of accountability, have lifetime appointment to the bench and freely abrogate basic legal standards to grant “winks and nods” to parties in favor with the court -- evidence and law be damned.

These judges are protected by Congressional Judiciary Committees that arguably have a conflict of interest because all Judiciary Committee members are attorney and members of the same professional organization as the judges they are supposed to provide oversight over – the Bar Association. Members of the Judiciary Committees risk professional suicide by taking legislative action on judges. When an election is lost, they would be back practicing law in front of judges who would be unhappy by legislation passed.

Judges commit crimes because they can. They can break the law and get away with it.

Judges Do Not Have Immunity for Criminal Acts

Many people are confused and think judges have immunity. Courts have repeatedly ruled that judges have no immunity for their criminal acts. ( O'Shea v. Littleton, 414 U.S. 488, 503 (1974).)

Please read complete article at links below:



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