Monday, February 20, 2012

Massachusetts teen reportedly shocked for hours at special needs school

Published February 20, 2012

Video of a disabled teenager bound and administered electric shocks for seven hours should be made public, the boy's mother says, so the "torture" her son endured at the controversial school can be exposed.

"This is worse than a nightmare," Cheryl McCollins told about her disabled son Andre. "It is horrific. And poor Andre, who had to suffer through this, and not know why."

The ordeal began after Andre struck a staff member. He was then tied to a restraint board inside a classroom while face down with a helmet placed on his head.

He remained in that position for seven hours without a break, with no food or water. Each time he screamed or tensed up, he was shocked -- 31 times in all, reports.

After spending three days in a comatose state, Andre McCollins was taken to Children's Hospital, where he was diagnosed with "acute stress response" caused by the shocks at the Rotenberg Center.

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