Friday, February 17, 2012

Man shot to death while holding baby

Man shot to death while holding baby

2:44 PM, Feb 16, 2012

SCOTTSDALE, AZ (KPNX) -- An Arizona man was shot to death by police Tuesday while holding his grandson. "There were at least three officers in position to engage the suspect. At least one of the officers thought he saw something in the suspect's hands," said Sgt. Mark Clark.

Loxas was standing outside of his home with his grandchild still in his arms when
Officer James Peters fired one shot to the head, killing the suspect.

Police say the 9-month-old boy was not injured during the shooting.

Officers also escaped unharmed.

Some neighbors are now questioning the officers actions.

Investigators say the officers on the scene thought Loxas was holding a gun.

Detectives did not find a weapon on Loxas

Please read complete article at link below:

Editor's note:  Hello...something wrong with this story????

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