Thursday, February 16, 2012

Elderly Woman’s Heat Shut Off, Hit With $44,000 Peoples Gas Bill

Elderly Woman’s Heat Shut Off, Hit With $44,000 Peoples Gas Bill

February 15, 2012 9:43 PM

Annie Morish had her heat shut off when Peoples Gas replaced her meter and hit her with a bill for more than $44,000, claiming she had been stealing gas. (Credit: CBS)

(CBS) – She was told Peoples Gas needed to replace her meter. That’s where her nightmare began. Her gas was cut off and, on Wednesday, she got a new bill for more than $44,000, accused of stealing gas.

CBS 2′s Pamela Jones went looking for answers.

“I don’t have that kind of money, I don’t have it,” Annie Morish said of her gas bill for $44,206.82. “I guess I’m just going to stay here until I freeze.”

Without heat, Morish sits dressed in layers, facing a cold future with a gigantic gas bill, payable by March 1.

“They’ve got to be crazy. I called them and they told me it had to be paid,” Morish said.

She said she’s been without heat for two weeks, ever since Peoples Gas came to install a new gas meter at her two-flat on the South Side.

Without gas service, the thermostat in her home registered at 55 degrees on Wednesday, only a little warmer than it was outside.

Morish said the company removed her old gas meter, accusing her of stealing gas.

“I’m 70 years old. When did I dig up? When did I go down in the basement and … change some pipes?” Morish said.

She said she was never cited for any theft.

For now, she tends to her dying plants, with space heater after space heater running to warm the place; about 10 of them in all.

“Freezing; I’m staying in the back. I’ve got heaters all over the place,” she said, hoping someone can help her. “How am I going to get some heat in here?”

Morish said she has been paying $100 to $150 a month for gas for years.

A representative from Peoples Gas said they’re working on the case and hope to have some answers about what happened, but there’s no word yet about whether the heat will be restored.

Please read complet article at link below:

1 comment:

  1. Thank God The weather has changed. God was looking out for her and gave her short winter.



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