Monday, January 2, 2012

Public corruption to be 2012 election issue

Public corruption to be 2012 election issue

By Lou Ann Anderson, Bell County Legal News Examiner

..In the year since Williamson County lawsuit suggests county not so "safe" for all described that county's strong culture of cronyism, who would have predicted Michael Morton's exoneration of a false murder conviction and nearly 25-year wrongful incarceration would even moreso reveal the public corruption threats under which Williamson County residents appear to live. And while Williamson County offers specific lessons and suggests obvious action in which the county's taxpayers, voters and other residents should stringently participate, folks everywhere should take to heart the need to practice vigilance when it comes to government integrity and credibility within their own political "backyards."

Following public policy issues with vision not blinded by ideology or partisanship exposes the degree of corruption, self-interest and cronyism that permeates many of our government institutions. And that's not to say it's all criminal - a fair amount is likely just self-serving opportunism.

Focusing on inheritance rights threats and other abusive probate practices fast-tracked a heightened awareness of courtroom cronyism as well as legal industry protectionism and self-enrichment activities. While it brought deserved scrutiny into county government venues, municipal governments as well as other taxpayer-funded entities from school districts to utility boards to unelected councils of government also provide legitimate sources of concern with regard to government accountability and transparency.

Public fears of government overreach threatening both our personal and economic freedom have brought new energy to political activism. Being an effective activist can make one a target. Retaliation is hardly a new concept - and it can happen to organizations or individuals.

In the last year we've seen activists who question government authority or actions have their employment challenged, various licenses suspended and experience increased scrutiny by taxing agents and other regulatory agencies. From whisper campaigns to strategically feeding the media information to embarrass or discredit critics, these aren't just "Washington power plays" - they happen in your backyard at the behest of your local government. Questionable criminal indictments or vigorously odd pursuits of legal infractions also occur. At Estate of Denial®, those targeted by corrupt probate actions especially - and rightfully - fear retributory responses for speaking against or otherwise confronting illicit conduct.

These points are shared not to dissuade political activism. In fact, quite the contrary. They hopefully illustrate the need as well as encourage increased public involvement. Learning the issues and key players along with voting are important first steps.

While Michael Morton's false murder conviction is a classic case of seemingly corrupt county government operating with little or no accountability, other degrees of similar government misconduct or mismanagement occur daily. And when called on such actions - politicians have often already ensured a stacked deck in their favor.

Government reform efforts will be met with resistance. Denigration, denial and distraction are common tactics. Nevertheless, fair, objective and thorough media coverage as well as citizen journalism - which evolved due to a lack of fair, objective, thorough media coverage - will do much to move the process forward. The public though must also do its part by being educated and engaged.

The 2012 election cycle will be a defining process not just influencing, but truly shaping our future. Voters will face many critical policy issues. Attributes like integrity, credibility and even judgment are seemingly poised to become prominent as elected officials' individual conduct along with cultural behavior within taxpayer-funded government entities increasingly impacts public interests.

If ever there was a time to start paying attention, it's now.

Please read complete article at link below:

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