Thursday, January 12, 2012

Overcoming the Heartbreaking and Emotional Drain of Condoned Law Guardian Abuse

Overcoming the Heartbreaking and Emotional Drain of Condoned Law Guardian Abuse

Posted: Monday, January 09, 2012
by Jim Fargiano

Spoken Words of Spirit inc.

How does someone overcome the heartbreaking and emotional drain of dealing with legally approved corruption? If there was a simple answer for that question, it is the need to raise awareness of an unsafe and unjust system. It has been awhile since my last article on this topic. Aside from the general busyness of the holiday season, I found myself exhausted on some unexplained level. The mere thought of having to discuss anything further about the final few years of Dorothy Wilson’s challenged life had a nauseating effect on me. There were many times when I would quietly ponder how anyone would allow another human being to be stripped of their rights; literally, figuratively and financially. This was even more troubling because Dorothy had more viable, loving and much happier options available to her.

You would think that considering all of the grief that Dorothy’s law guardian, Mary Giordano, caused both Dorothy and Diane; the only child fighting for her happiness; that when Mrs. Wilson passed into spirit that Mary would have stopped her nonsense. Instead, Diane, who was rightfully assigned as the executrix of the meager estate left after Mary Giordano was given free reign to financially plunder several hundred thousand dollars through a reverse mortgage and other ways, with the approval of Judge Joel Asarch, is still fighting for the pittance of money that was left. Mary Giordano has had no trouble forwarding the bills associated with the cost of maintaining Dorothy’s home and previous care. However, she has not released the funds to pay for it. All of her actions continue to highlight how unscrupulous, callous and greedy she is.

Perhaps one of the aspects of this law guardian abuse case; as in many others, is the complete lack of concern for anyone else who is affected. This holds true for family, friends and even more. Once Diane was put in charge of her Mom’s estate--as Dorothy had wanted from the onset--she started to find more and more of the absurd care that was taking place. The house was already put up for sale, but once Diane was allowed into it she spent hours and hours of her own time cleaning and organizing things to make it presentable. Diane and witnesses found certain things that were glaringly improper. We could begin by wondering why a binder with the order from Judge Asarch approving Dorothy’s relocation was found in the freezer. Could it be simply because it was in clear violation of Article 81? How many honest lawyers file their client’s documents in the back of a freezer?

Under the care of Anne Recht, the healthcare manager, Dorothy’s medicines and medical waste, including used needles, were found scattered throughout the home. They were in file cabinets, dresser drawers, a sewing machine cabinet, upstairs in a room where the aides slept, in the garage and in the refrigerator. People were coming and going in this house, including children, as Mary Giordano had put it up for sale without authorization. I can only speak for myself, but I would not be comfortable having inquisitive children stumble across a box of needles that were not properly stored. Many of the needles were pre-filled with medicine. There was even an IV pole with several needles and medicine connected to it that was left out in the open. Anyone could have been poked or injured by them.

In addition to the medicine, hundreds of dollars of expired food had to be thrown away because of the parade of aides. While some were very good to Dorothy, others would not take the time to go through the cabinets to see what was available to cook. The amount of wasted money would be unacceptable by most households, but under the “care” of Mary Giordano and Anne Recht, Dorothy’s funds were routinely misused. I personally remember the smile on Dorothy’s face one time when she attended a prayer and meditation meeting I held. The only requirement ever requested was that whoever comes to these meetings has to bring food for the pantry. She was more than happy to do that with Diane.

If the populace does not awaken to the fact that situations like Dorothy Wilson are taking place all around the country, then the actions of lawyers and judges who elect to scam the families who are caught up in it will continue to take place. What I have found with my inquiries and conversations with numerous people is that the majority of society seems to be intimidated by the judges and guardians responsible for the illegal and immoral activities. They are generally “well-connected” people and can make the lives miserable for those who stand up to them. Since they are in positions of power, they feel confident in trampling the civil rights of those they deem they should control, not to mention that they feel safe from prosecution because of the standard “old boys club” that still exists today.

This problem will persist unless enough citizens raise their voices and get the media—social and mainstream—to start putting a spotlight on many of the cases around the country. It makes no difference if the victim is someone’s mother, as in the case of Dorothy Wilson, or a husband like Gary Harvey, whose rights were taken away from him and his wife, Sara, when a guardian was put in charge. These are only two examples. The list goes on and on when it comes to the vulture-like attacks that take place from many guardians who greedily profit from an unchecked system that needs to be seriously addressed. Law guardian abuse seems to attack the elderly frequently, but is no stranger to the mentally impaired or physically challenged. Estates are systematically stolen from their rightful owners and family. What will it take for you to feel angered or passionate enough to take a stand and begin to hold the politicians accountable, who also want to hide behind legalities, mostly out of fear that it will hurt their career path? They have the power to change the laws, but many are either unaware of the rampant disintegration of civil rights, or they have chosen to be a part of the problem by ignoring or partaking in it. Often times, those who know about it do not take action because it is their colleagues, friends or acquaintances that are part of the corruption.

It would benefit an array of struggling victims to know that their voices are not being discarded by society. Let your compassion and the gauge that all people have that tells them the difference between right and wrong land on the right point. In this way, you will become a pillar of support for the meek and not a lamb led to slaughter by those who abuse the power that they wield.
Please read complete article at link below:

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