Wednesday, January 25, 2012

NY shoplifter leaves hospice, sent back to jail

Jan 24, 9:56 PM EST

NY shoplifter leaves hospice, sent back to jail

MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP) -- A New York judge who released a shoplifter from jail so she could spend her dying days in a hospice has ordered her back to jail.

Nassau County Judge Francis Ricigliano (reh-sih-glee-AH'-noh) received information Tuesday from the Long Island hospice that Diane McCloud could live another six months. A doctor earlier this month had indicated the 48-year-old was near death.

McCloud made headlines last year when she was released from jail to pursue a heart transplant. She lost that chance when she was arrested again after shoplifting at three drugstores. She pleaded guilty to petty larceny and was jailed.

She was again freed from the county jail this month to enter the hospice. Her attorney says her family is pleased her condition has improved.

Please read complete article at link below:

Editor's note: Another case of the "Hospice Industry" abusing the regulations of admission to hospice.  Lucius Verenus, Schoolmaster,

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad that she's dying, but you commit a crime, you have to do the time.


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