Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Griffith’s tarnished image will follow him into retirement,Time for Griffith, District 67 Board to go

Two hard hitting articles on Lake County, IL  Corruption

Griffith’s tarnished image will follow him into retirement

Last Modified: Nov 28, 2011 01:14PM

At a special meeting of the Lake Forest School District 67 Board of Education meeting Nov. 20 to deal with the scandal involving Deer Path Middle School Principal John Steinert, there was an angry tone to the questioning. Superintendent Harry Griffith, while taking notes, kept his eyes averted downwards most of the time.

District 67 President Julia Wold appeared to be flustered with little of worth to say, either not willing or unable to address questions that pertained to Griffith.

Following are several of the pointed questions and comments directed to District 67 Board members and Griffith:

1. Julia Wold was asked if Harry Griffith shouldn’t be answering the questions posed, as many dealt with the superintendent’s fitness to remain in his position?

2. When asked if Superintendent Griffith would be investigated, Wold suggested that it would be taken under advisement.

3. Insistence for a response to question two led to another inquiry dealing with the same issue, whether or not there would be an investigation into Griffith’s involvement which the questioner perceived as a coverup? Answer by Ms. Wold: “Will discuss with the rest of the board.”

4. Following, a citizen asked when a response to question three could be expected?

5. Upon receiving a non-answer, the next questioner inquired whether the board had ever requested the resignation of Harry Griffith in its closed Executive Session?

6. One extremely angry citizen spoke of Superintendent’s Griffith’s unbelievable parachute of benefits when he retires at the end of this year: Five years of free medical care; gift of a car that Griffith now uses paid for by Districts 67 and 115, and house mortgage payments continuing? The citizen then said of the superintendent: “Harry Griffith has bamboozled the taxpayers for two years in a total coverup. Is this how my tax dollars are being spent?”

7. Another upright Lake Forest citizen compared the Lake Forest situation to the current Penn State scandal where both involved were fired, the coach and the one who covered up an incident that might have prevented more sordid behavior from escalating.

8. The board was then reminded that had the Steinert incident been treated differently two years ago and rectified, none of this would be happening today.

9. The idea of a task force being formed was ridiculed. Retorted one questioner: “You mean those who erred (the board) will decide who will be on the Task Force!”

10. Another citizen thought too much time was being spent by the board to correct school policies through the proposed establishment of a task force, etc., to deal with future issues that might present themselves, with not enough thought being given to dealing with the issue at hand.

11. By far this was the most potent remark of the evening: “I don’t think we need a task force; we need leadership. A true leader would have done more in 2009. A true leader would resign now. The board should have asked for Harry Griffith’s resignation at its closed executive session.”

12. Julia Wold refused to comment whether the board had asked for Superintendent Griffith’s resignation.

13. As to the admission that three of the present board members were on the board back in 2009 and were aware of the Steinert situation but didn’t act at the time, all three were asked if they planned to resign? Julia Wold answered “no.”

14. The last order of business was that the resignation of John Steinert was accepted.

Was there no curiosity by Superintendent Griffith to find out the nature of the redacted information in the police report? After all, Steinert WAS ARRESTED back in 2009.

All in all, this is the first time Superintendent Griffith has come under fire. He will have to defend himself, if he is able to. Without doubt Griffith’s image is now tarnished, and this image will follow him into his retirement.

Nancy J. Thorner, Lake Bluff

Please read complete article at link below:


Time for Griffith, District 67 Board to go

Last Modified: Nov 28, 2011 01:14PM

“There is no higher authority.”

At the Nov. 22 meeting featuring the District 67 Board and District 67 Superintednent Harry Griffith, along with the community of concerned Lake Forest citizens, we heard those words from the Superintendent -- and that says it all.

His statement was in response to the question: Are there now, or likely to be, investigations into the performance of the Board of Education, or the superintendent?

Griffith further ignited the already-emotional gathering of Deer Path Middle School parents and taxpayers by answering NO (emphasis intended) to the question, “Are you going to resign?”

That night was my first in-person exposure to Griffith, and what an experience. This man is aloof, mechanical, detached and void of passion. Surreal describes his performance rather well.

Tragically, these are the characteristics that guided Griffith’s thinking process when the John Steinert complaint first surfaced in 2009. Put the administration’s methodical process in motion. Bring in the tech guy for the phone, the human resources guy for the series of interviews with Steinert, the lawyer and then notify the Board of Education, conduct a brief internal investigation. Conclusion; Steinert is a good man and a good principal. Problem solved; bring on next matter.

Where is the passion for your role as Superintendent; first keep the children safe from those who wish to do harm from the outside and from within? Second, create an environment for learning; third serve your constituents, the parents and tax payers. The detachment and dispassionate qualities this Superintendent possesses are incompatible with a good school district, and there is now evidence to prove it.

We learn that behavior by Steinert was grounds for dismissal, even with the heavily redacted police report. We are told that a new applicant with a “a class B misdemeanor of telephone harassment,” the Steinert charge, would not be hired. Double standard: It’s OK if you’re an incumbent, but not OK if you want a job.

Sorry, it is not OK in either case.

And, where is the internal alarm about the heavy redaction? A normally emotional and passionate administrator would want to know what exactly was redacted. We also know that the FOIA request form includes a provision for appeal to view the redacted parts. If there was concern, that appeal would have been made.

What we all saw at the Nov. 21 meeting was admission of oversight and lack of compulson to gather all the facts. We had an apology of sorts, especially the part where Griffith wished this had never happened! What is missing is the profound remorse that would be the normal response.

Successful education is a business of passion for learning and compassion for the student body. Sure, teaching skills and subject knowledge are necessary, but it is passion that must prevail. At the meeting we saw passion and emotion. Only problem: It was from the attendees and parents, not the Superintendent or the District 67 President. That’s a problem, and has been there far too long.

When the Steinert story broke the knee-jerk reaction was; this was a coverup. As the tale develops, that is giving too much credit to those involved. This was a display of willful neglect and irresponsible behavior.

This Board and Superintendent displayed alarming naivety and astonishing poor judgment. Furthermore, the Superintendent has shown such impressive manipulative skills that he captured control of the board and they have become his puppets. How, therefore, can the community allow any of those board members remain in office, and more troubling, select Harry’s replacement?

It is clear both the Superintendent and board members sitting at the time of the Steinert revelation should show the dignity of resigning immediately. The facts are clear; this was fatal malfeasance and dereliction of responsibilities, you let down our children, their parents and the community. It is now past the time for you to go!

Al Boese, Lake Bluff

Please read complete article at link below:


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