Saturday, October 1, 2011

How To File a Complaint Against a Judge and An Attorney (Preface, part 3)

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How To File a Complaint Against a Judge and An Attorney (Preface, part 3)

by Impeach Judge Randy Kennedy

Educate yourself to the rules governing lawyers and judges and you become a force to be reckoned with. We must take the power back in a corrupt legal system where "we the people" have become a lost interest.

Some of the worst advice you can adhere to:"let me be the lawyer". When you hear that phrase it should come accompanied with a sharp pain in your rectum because you are about to get it there. Allowing a lawyer to run freely over your case is inviting trouble. Isn't that troubling in itself? If we made sure the Rules of Professional Conduct were adhered to, we might be able to "let the lawyers take care of it" (another bit of bad advise given to me by a professor emeritus from Vanderbilt), but between colleague protection and deal cutting, trusting a lawyer to represent your best interest has become the exception as opposed to the rule.

Another catch phrase used among attorneys that should send you running (and I have only heard it from attorneys): "I've got to work in this town". Not only does it infer a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct, it also signals you have just become another lost consideration. That means the judge, the attorney across the aisle and your own attorney are ahead of you on the attorney's list of who please (and there are, most likely, many others ahead of you in line). Attorneys will leave you in the dark as much as possible; and they also want to infest fear. I no longer fear attorneys because I know, if they don't follow the rules, I have a recourse of action against them. In the case of conservatorships (known as guardianships in all other states with the exception of CA), it invites the type of personality that takes advantage of desperate individuals. Most all attorneys have this type of deviant personality, especially probate attorneys. And when the court is paying their fees, this character defect manifests itself without reservation. Your own attorney has no motivation to represent you in a true adversarial fashion, because, not only are they on the gravy train of easy money, but by cooperating they gain favor with the judge. Probate judges keep a list of attorneys who they appoint to cases and these probate robots only do the bidding of the court; it's their only consideration and motivation. In my case, several attorneys came and went in an attempt to find adversarial representation, but it was never found. Judge Kennedy uses his list as a bribe to keep attorneys cooperating and shut up. IT IS A RACKET.

This last catch phrase, "it's not who knows the law, it's who knows the judge". It's according to who says it (an attorney or a judge), but within that one phrase both sets of rules are violated. By the way, I wish I could become rich losing, but that doesn't exist in my profession. Attorneys charge you hundreds an hour and get paid even when they lose.

We have been programmed to believe judges are the good guys fairly adjudicating truth and justice and the American way. In the example of Judge Randy Kennedy, the only semblance to the American way is represented in the Wall Street scandals that have surfaced and the way America was stolen from the Native American. I repeat, the thieving spirit of Andrew Jackson is alive and well in Tennessee (The Trail of Tears). And our Court of the Judiciary is playing dirty ball with these culprits because, most likely, they are guilty of breaking the same rules they are supposed to be enforcing.

The judiciary has established itself as the most powerful branch of government and are the most unaccounted for (Marbury v Madison). We are confident Senator Mae Beavers ( will provide us with the much needed reform within Tennessee's Court of the Judiciary. Email her with words of encouragement demanding such reform. Variations of these same bodies exist in every jurisdiction, but the only people that know this are attorneys and judges and they DON'T want us to know-truly. We should be teaching fundamental law to students starting in junior high school. Senator Beavers, our forefathers did not possess the same patience with the British that is required of the citizens of Tennessee. "By any means necessary". Use the words of our forefathers (or was it the Black Panthers?) and you could be put in prison these days. I meant to say, "Give me liberty or give me death". This is the spirit with which I fight. Judge Kennedy's attack on individual liberties and unlawful seizure of property may require the same actions our forefathers took in order to regain our Constitutionally protected rights. Make no mistake about it, the probate bottom feeders ARE stealing your property illegally under color of law and guise of protection (referring to conservatorships).

On an important side note, our Constitution trumps any law. And judges are immediately instructed to rule consistent with the Constitution in the Judicial Code; but the Constitution and Bill of Rights are abhorred by judges. It gets in the way of abuse of power, ruling "willy-nilly" and the delusion that judges create the law. Kennedy is guilty on all points. And he's not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Chapters One and Two (upcoming and subject to change) of this series will give you the web sites where you can find the necessary forms and information, along with a minimal of instruction, on how to file the appropriate complaint. I have had countless people approach me about their own plights in Kennedy's court. I've instructed them to file a complaint. Most have not followed through. Our COJ, as it stands, may not be the most effective body, but just like in a criminal court, you won't be allowed to get in unless you've filed the charges. Last week has been significantly important, in light of the Senate hearings on the COJ, so NOW is the time.

Please edit and spread it. Take this series (How to File a Complaint), along with the information it possesses, and make everyone aware.

Let's take back the power and please stay tuned for the next posting.

Impeach Judge Randy Kennedy
September 28, 2011 at 9:36 pm
Tags: Christina Norris, Conservatorship, Danny Tate, David Callahan III, David E. Tate/Signet Pen and T-Shirts, Dr. Peter Martin, Ginger Franklin, Guardian Abuse, Guardians, Jeannan Stuart, Judge Randy Kennedy, Michael Castellarin, Nashville, Paul Housch, Probate Court, Senator Mae Beavers, Tennessee Attorney General, Tennessee Supreme Court of the Judiciary, The Nashville Bar, The Nashville Scene, Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital, WSMV/Channel 4/Nashville

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