Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ken Ditkowsky wrote 5-22-2011

On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:50 AM, kenneth ditkowsky wrote:

I did - it was what is needed. Now Gloria has to play it right. I set it up for her and if she follows the plan she will squarely put the issue to the Court. The problem is she is not comfortable with using the rifle bullet approach - she likes the shot gun.

The Coopers, Ken and Bev, have been fighting this situation for a long time with great frustration. Many other people also have the problem however the fight has been disorganized and ineffective because they have been able to pick the victims off one at the time.

What the victims do not understand is that law enforcement is also frustrated. They work up a case and the people that they expect to help them either fall short or become adversaries. In particular - I have children. I raised them and protected them from just about every scenario that could be adverse. It is a habit! If I should become the victim of abuse or financial exploitation out of habit I would continue to protect my children - even from me! Imagine the poor policeman who works up a case and brings it to Court to have the victim say: "my daughter treats me like a queen" (Mary's words)

The other side is no smarter than we are and in many cases has no more avarice or arrogance. We have to pick our battles. I like the Sykes case because 1) it has all the elements, 2) the people on the other-side are 'hateful', 3) You've read Farenga's e-mails - they speak for themselves, 4) the violations are stark, and 5) the incentive for the IRS to nail the plenary guardian is fantastic.

I am always encouraged by a matter that I had about a decade ago. My client's husband went into the hospital for minor surgery however the operation went terribly wrong. It went so wrong that the entire medical staff involved went into a depressive state. It was sooooo bad that when the husband went into recovery the nurse forgot to put up the side bar. Naturally husband fell out of the bed and hit his head! Worse yet there were no brain waves detectable.

Wife was referred to me. My first step was to run to the probate court and have her appointed plenary guardian. Armed with the order I waited for the hospital attorney to call me. He did! He demanded we remove husband from the hospital - he told me it was not a warehouse. My arrogant remark was = you did it! he belongs to you! You take care of him.

While the games were going on (at the same time) a young ex-tern (or whatever they are called) who just got his narcotic license was doing rounds. He walked into the room that husband lay - as a veggie - and demanded to know why husband had not been placed on xyz medicine. The nurse remarked that she could not administer xyz without an order! He gave the order.

The next morning I was cutting the grass and my wife told me that I had a telephone call that she thought that I should take. It is my client! She requested my permission to take Arnie (husband) home. I told her she did not need my permission but I strongly advised against her taking home a 250 pound veggie! She told me he wanted to go home - and asked me if I wanted to talk to him. You know what I said.

even though I am technically challenged I was able to conference in the doctor, who repeated almost word for word the oaths that I uttered! As tears move mountains we agreed that when the doctor did his rounds on Sunday, if Arnie was able to dress himself, do his toilet, and sign himself out he could go home. On Sunday, the doctor found Arnie dressed, packed, neat as pin newly shaved and sitting on the bed ready to go home. HE DID!

Apparently the medication prescribed by the young doctor did the trick. Of course my client thinks that I am dumber than a stone and much more stupid! I however was delighted for both of them! the last thing I heard was that he recovered fully except the botched operation left him disabled.

Where there is life there is hope! I never cease to be amazed at how little I know and how impotent I am.

Ken Ditkowsky

Ken, The first half of your letter is brilliant and sums up the problems we are all experiencing in just a few paragraphs. May I have your permission to publish it in the blog.

It reminds me of a book I read many years ago written by a Holocaust survivor, Prof. Boris Kader, of Heidelberg University, entiltled, "Life I salute you" After Dr. Kader was literally physically driven from his lecture hall, had his career stolen from him, he chose life and escaped from Germany. Dr. Kader gave examples of heroism exemplified by Jewish General von Sommer of the Austrian army. General von Sommer, after Hitlers brown shirts broke into his home and in an told him to "scrub the street", asked them to wait while he changed clothing. The bully boys smirked and waited for the gun shot that never came. General von Sommer, resplendent in his full dress uniform with all his WWI decorations came out and said, "I am ready." The brown shirts snapped to attention, saluted the General and left.

We, victims and fighters face the same brown shirted fascists that Dr. Kader encountered in 1930's Germany, except they wear black robes and polyester suits. These Cook County Probate Court parasites portray a perverted doctrine that is a parody of what the law is meant to be. The Shark's Blog and NASGA website and other blogs display and document thousands of examples of this "criminal enterprise" that rivals the Mafias'. Ken, sometime in the future we should talk so I can tell you how I really feel about these vermin. Ken Cooper
of course you can publish what I write.

Unfortunately I know exactly what you are feeling. In the early days of my practice I was insulated from the corruption because I happen to fall in with the 'right crowd!' These lawyers actually practiced law! However, within a short time I got a call from a Judge = at home! He said the 'bid is five' I did not know what he meant, so after he hung up I called one of my friends! He told me that the other side had given the judge a five thousand dollar bribe, and unless my client beat the 'bid' we would lose. We lost! I appealed and on the very day that Kennedy was killed in Dallas the lawyers met and we settled the case (which was on appeal). I never allowed another of my cases to go before the offending Judge. However, a Judge by the name of B. Fain Tucker apparently felt that I did not play the game right and she made it a point to rule against me on every Motion. Fortunately, I found a way to get away from her! The case went to trial and I won.

Lawyers in the 60's were different. We were all friends and we co-operated. When you got a case you called the other side and asked him what he 'had.' He told you, and you made a complete and honest disclosure to him. We then figured out what we could agree upon and then did exactly that. This usually reduced the dispute to couple of issues. We then took the issues to the judge and in a good 90% of the cases the dispute was over. Today - the young lawyers will lie to your face!

yes sir! I hope that you feel better than I do about my brothers!

Ken Ditkowsky

1 comment:

  1. All the rhetoric in the world will not change the facts and the facts are that Cook County Probate Courts are above the law just because they can! That any person or person(s) who dare to 'object' to their "unjust" are subject to terroristic action such as, wrongful imprisonment, seizures of property and assets (including retirement funds, inheritances, and personal income)! That Guardian Ad Litem's can slander and/or libel a person(s)' name(s) in court and publicly and the ARDC will not investigate or ***, the GAL's are empowered to thwart any justice and do great and irreversible harm not only to the elder or the disabled, but all people who risk everything in order to save their loved one's life. Again, rhetoric is meaningless, and in venting, shows (in my humble opinion) a weakness. In actions there may be resolve. Although I am a non-violent person, the phrase "Sticks and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" applies (but substitute protests, media attention, and physical advocacy for 'sticks and stones")! The only course of action is in the moment. "They did or said this and did that" and then act, not react! Peter Schmiedel, GAL's Cynthia Feranga and Adam Stern are all about words, fraud on the court, for if they had one ounce of evidence against me proving that I "abused" and/or "financial exploited" my Mother, then they would have turned it over to the proper jurisdiction for a thorough investigation. Instead, they lie to the Court, the Court believes them, and *****. With that said, all the babble and words crying foul by 'victims' of the Probate Courts will do no harm. If 'victims' want to get noticed, make changes, then in June there are plenty of Protects, and other activities demanding our Civil Rights and to Stop Elder and People With Disabilities Abuse across America. Babble or Participate, it's up to you. "They" don't fear babble. "They" do, however fear public recognition! If you want justice, I believe, the only place you'll fine it is in the Media and in participating in Protects. I have been victimized, so has my mother, but neither of us will be Victims! We all have choices. i choose to ACT .... Judge Jane Louise Stuart has already retaliated by threatening my freedoms, my life and the life of my companion healing dog: I have been tightly shackled to a metal chair with handcuffs, and all means of assets frozen without Due Process -- she has threatened to incarcerate me in Cook County Jail with no bond. She has denied my Mother her rights to associate with me or any of her loved ones and to be financially exploited and seriously abused. All the Motions I've filed have been dismissed on their face and every objection has gone unheard! All they care about is doing harm in order to churn not only my mother's estate, but do me great harm... because they can I will neither use a gun or a riffle, but my voice, my actions, my experiences and knowledge, and my Constitutional Rights as an American Citizen. I will find Justice and I pray before my mother is murdered by my sister and the Court! I don't need to 'play it right" Mr. Ditkowsky. I will, however, do what ever I can within the law and ****..


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