Friday, March 4, 2011

Forward Motion: HB2424 Passes Rules Committee...OR...David-1, Goliath-0

Forward Motion: HB2424 Passes Rules Committee...OR...David-1, Goliath-0

March 3, 2011 at 9:45 pm
Categories: Constitutional Law, Judicial Activism, Judicial Review, Legislation, Probate Abuse, Uncategorized

Despite a full frontal attack by every high-powered political lobbyist money could buy, HB2424, the bill written to reform the troubled Arizona Probate Court has jumped another hurdle on the way to become law. When public testimony was taken in the House Judiciary Committee, the number of private citizens registered to speak in favor of the bill was so numerous that the time to speak had to be limited. The only testimony in opposition to the bill was a court representative who objected to the "intrusion" by the legislature into the realm of the judiciary and industry insiders who profit from the current system.

The lingering question was this...if the courts and attorney groups are so good at policing their own, if they understand what is in the best interest of so many and capable of abiding by the current law...what caused the countless horror stories of exploitation and abuse? If the bad actors are so few, why are the stories, true and accurate accounts, so many? Just how did Arizona become the prime example of a national need for probate reform?

Apparently the circus that was designed to distract, deflect, and destroy HB2424 represented by the not 2, not 3, but at last count at least 4 different lobbying houses, hired for nothing more than to represent the opposition was seen for what it was. A wholesale attempt at influencing votes for personal gain, or in this case no votes, through big bucks muscle. The House Rules committee proved by their vote that even the most well-financed effort cannot compete with the truth and demands of the people for justice.

Today was a good day for the people
Editor's Note:  Soon, soon, people of Illinois...

March 3, 2011-Phoenix, ARIZONA - It started almost two years ago. The woman who couldn't talk without crying, her mother ripped from her life, left to an existence of despair and loneliness. A son, who never saw his mother again after she was placed in the care of the state against her wishes until she died, alone. A wealthy heir to a huge American fortune stripped of all dignity and liberty, sleeping on a friend's couch in order to afford to eat.

They found each other in the halls of the probate courts. A place most people go for justice presented a very different reality to them. Maria Tomasch and ABC Channel 15 have documented their struggles and will air an update Friday, March 4, 2011 during the 10 PM newscast.

Theirs were the stories that started the journey that led them on the road to reform. With families torn apart, their only allies had been each other. Until this year when one among them said enough and got help. It has been a bumpy and often dangerous road, full of pot holes dug by those who would like nothing more than to derail their efforts. They worked together and found an ally in Rep. David Smith who introduced HB2424. They testified before legislative committees, wrote letters, made calls, recruited support from others, and even held up signs in front of the courthouse.

Now they see hope in the form of HB2424. The ABC Channel 15 story will bring all of Arizona up to date on the effort that has been a David and Goliath attempt of ordinary people against highly-paid, high-powered lobbyist, attorneys, judicial operatives and industry insiders

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